The idea of helping those in need, involvement in numerous charity, educational, sports and pro-health campaigns have become a permanent part of the organizational culture of Bank Pekao. The comprehensive employee volunteering programme is implemented in accordance with the Bank’s Strategy for 2021-2024, where voluntary activities are part of the 4th pillar of the Bank’s Strategy:
“Responsibility”, in particular in the area of „Society”, and in line with the ESG Strategy, based on the goals set out in the second pillar of the ESG Strategy „Commitment”. In order to facilitate participation in volunteering, the Bank enables each employee in the units to use two working days in a calendar year for volunteering organized with the support of the employer. For volunteer leaders and those interested in becoming involved in helping, workshops are held to prepare for volunteering. The „Volunteering” portal operates on the banking intranet, in which information about volunteering campaigns and their effects are published, profiles of volunteer leaders are presented. Information is also published in banking newsletters. Members of the Bank’s Management Board are also involved in volunteering.
Participation of Pekao Bank employees in volunteering is governed by the Rules for Participation of Pekao S.A. Employees in the Employee Volunteer Programme. At the Bank, the employee appointed to act as the coordinator for employee volunteering at the Bank is responsible for managing voluntary activities at the central level. In each action, a leader of the voluntary action is appointed – responsible for the course and implementation of one selected action, the duration of which is strictly defined, and the implementation rules are described in a separate document. In addition, an important role is played by a local volunteer coordinator – a volunteer who acts and organizes volunteer projects among employees in the Bank’s units, working with the local community or with a selected organization that accepts volunteer assistance in the employee’s immediate environment. Employees of any unit (branch) of the Bank, regardless of their location and size, can participate in employee volunteering. Each volunteering action is documented – volunteer campaign leaders are required to submit a substantive report to the Bank, including, among others, photos, video material of the course and information on the number of volunteer action team members, the number of beneficiaries of the action, the number of hours spent by the team on the voluntary project implementation. Volunteer-related campaigns were promoted consecutively at all Bank locations in 2021 and received interest from employees.
In 2021, due to the COVID-19 virus pandemic, the scope of volunteering and the method of operation were adapted to the requirements and restrictions resulting from an epidemiological threat situation. The actions took place in small groups, in accordance with the rules of the sanitary regime. Each of the participants of the initiative was required to complete a written declaration regarding the state of health in the context of the coronavirus threat. The 110 actions organized with the Bank’s support involved 1,170 employees who worked more than 6,351 hours for the benefit of volunteering.
Pekao Bank willingly engages in partnerships in volunteer actions. The opportunity to learn about the knowledge and experience of experts from foundations, associations and NGOs is an additional motivation for employees-volunteers and at the same time a guarantee of versatility, timeliness and relevance of the programme to be implemented. In 2021, the Bank’s volunteer partners were: National Foundation for Environmental Protection, Apiterra Foundation – A World Full of Bees, Warsaw Banking Institute, SOS Children’s Villages Association in Poland, Polish Red Cross and Society for Care of Animals in Poland.
One of the forms of corporate volunteering is the competition „We are close”, addressed to employees working for local communities in their environment, who recognize their needs. As part of the competition, each submitted project, in categories such as ecology, education, sport, culture and art, health promotion, and helping animals, can apply for a grant for implementation from the Pekao Bank S.A. Foundation named after Dr. Marian Kanton. In the 3rd and 4th editions of the competition held in 2021, Bank employees submitted 170 ideas. Grants worth a total of PLN 383,000 were awarded to 86 diverse projects, such as: first aid training, renovation of sports clubs’ training rooms and day care centres, ecological workshops, dance classes for senior citizens and youth, an initiative for the Rural Housewives Association, and organization of a sightseeing trip for the deaf. Another idea for helping and integrating was to organize a theatrical evening for women associated in the Amazon Women Federation. Thanks to the competition, two educational films were also made: training exercises for children in a wheelchair and a video presenting the topic of blood donation and transplantation. Direct beneficiaries of the competition are members of organizations receiving aid, wards of care and educational institutions where volunteer actions are carried out, participants of workshops and classes, members of sports clubs and recipients of educational films. Among them in 2021 were: 255 seniors, 1,493 people with disabilities, 5,090 children and adolescents (in total: 37,061 people). Help under the competition also went to 1,646 animals under the care of shelters. Initiatives were carried out in 60 towns all over Poland, 430 employees acted as volunteers, who worked in total 4,816 hours.
In addition to the „We are close” grant competition, Pekao Bank successfully engages in numerous actions based on the idea of employee volunteering. An example of this is the long-running action of honorary blood donation with the participation of employees. In 2021, mobile blood collections were established for the first time in several locations in Poland. The campaign was co-organized with experts from the Polish Red Cross. To introduce employees to the idea of blood donation, a lecture on blood donation was organized. Employees were provided with educational materials and a publication about honorary blood donors among the bank’s employees. More than 50 litres of blood were collected during actions organized at the Bank’s branches or headquarters (Krakow, Gdansk, Katowice, Warsaw). As a result of the campaign, many people decided to donate blood for the first time in their lives. Debuting in the role of blood donors declared their readiness to continue their commitment to the benefit of patients.
The SOS Children’s Villages Association in Poland has been the Bank’s long-standing volunteer partner. The cooperation includes not only the organization of individual actions, but also competence volunteering. In 2021, the project „First job” was continued – an initiative for the charges of the Association entering adulthood, which consisted in the organization of on-line workshops for a group of 40 people. They covered two topics: „Entering the Job Market” and „Motivation and Your Strengths.” In response to the needs expressed by the youth educators, a thematic workshop on personal finance was organized for those entering adulthood, entitled: „Your money – your business.” Moreover, as part of the annual gift campaigns, donors – bank employees prepared surprises for children and young people on the occasion of Children’s Day and the „Santa Claus Campaign”. In 2021 over 400 packages with gifts were handed over to the wards of care facilities in Biłgoraj and Kraśnik. Representatives of the Polish national men’s basketball team also participated in the final of „Santa Claus Campaign”.
Bank Pekao is also a partner of the Warsaw Institute of Banking in the Bakcyl educational programme. The purpose of the initiative is to provide financial literacy to children and teenagers from schools across Poland. In 2021, 6 bank employees participated in training to prepare for their role as educators in the Bakcyl program. Bank employees as Bakcyl volunteers conducted 77 lessons for children and teenagers.
The educational initiative called SeniorOn was addressed to the representatives of the oldest social group. Since September 2018, the Polish Red Cross has been conducting the SeniorON project, which aims to improve the quality and standard of life of older people and prepare them to age with dignity through social activity. Pekao Bank was invited to cooperate in the project as the main partner. 1945 seniors took part in three editions of the initiative. 96 workshops were conducted, 36 of which were led by volunteers from the Bank. They covered the basics of online banking, security in finance and mobile banking. In 2021, it was 5 educational meetings for a group of 90 seniors.
Moreover, the Bank also supports employee-initiated campaigns of various course and topics. In 2021, they included: a campaign to collect gifts for seniors from the Warsaw DPS (nursing home), participation in an educational campaign against violence organized for youth from Siedlce, a collection of gifts for a kindergarten in Sopotnia Mała, and a campaign to prepare gifts for children from a care centre in Brwinów.
As part of their voluntary activities, the Bank’s employees do not forget about animals shelters. In cooperation with the Society for Care of Animals in Poland, two aid campaigns for the shelter in Celestynow were organized. In the December campaign, volunteers from the bank accepted an invitation from a group of volunteers from PZU and joined forces to help. On the occasion of „Santa Claus in Celestynów” a local collection of donations for animals was conducted, and volunteers took part in minor repair work at the shelter. To promote the idea of adopting homeless animals, the Bank launched a special social media campaign with the slogan „Don’t buy, adopt”. Volunteers with experience in animal rescue operations prepared photo reports and videos to encourage people to take care of abandoned animals. The campaign included an expert lecture for the Bank’s employees, during which everyone could gain knowledge on how to prepare for the adoption of a pet and how to take care of the pet during the first days and months in a new home.
Pekao Group companies also get involved in social activities. In 2021, Pekao TFI employees donated items for the annual charity auction. The funds collected during the auction were donated to selected foundations. At DI Xelion, fundraising for orphanages and educational centres, etc. was held among employees and associates. Financial support for the orphanage was provided by the Card Centre in 2021. In turn, the winners of the integration game – gamification at Pekao Financial Services each month indicated a social benefit organization to which a donation from the management board was directed. Pekao Direct employees got involved in the „Zakrętaki” campaign. As part of it, thanks to financial resources obtained from the recycling of plastic caps, three charges from the Łupkowa Hospice for Children in Łódź received material assistance. Employees of Pekao Faktoring have joined Pekao Bank’s „Sporting Edge of the World” volunteer campaign, donating sports equipment to an elementary school in Rutka-Tartak, Podlaskie Province.
In 2021, thanks to the cooperation with the National Environmental Protection Foundation (UNEP/GRID Centre – Warsaw), the Bank hosted the first of a series of thematic lectures on environmental protection called Nature of the Bison. Lectures conducted by UNEP/GRID experts brought closer the knowledge about climate, described the relationship of climate with our lifestyle, both professional and private. Staff members were provided with educational materials and tools useful for conducting educational workshops. The materials were used during locally implemented initiatives to support environmental protection. In 2021, the project „Bank płynący miodem” („Bank flowing with honey”) was continued and developed. Its purpose is to protect bees, including the wild bee, and to promote urban beekeeping through educational outreach to employees. Thanks to the cooperation with the Apiterra Foundation, employees were provided with thematic materials on the importance of bees in the preservation of biodiversity, interesting facts about these beneficial insects and advice for people setting up home apiaries. Educational videos for beekeeping enthusiasts have also been published, providing a record of visits to the bank’s apiary as well as practical knowledge and tips. The partnership included two educational events at the Bank’s headquarters, combined with the opportunity to visit the city apiary and meet the city beekeeper. On the roof of the bank headquarters building, bank volunteers checked the condition of the apiary and helped with cleaning works. In the summer of 2021, a „beehive knitting” campaign was conducted in the areas next to the Pilica River. In cooperation with the members of the Beekeeping Brotherhood from Augustów, a group of volunteers prepared two beehives (hollowed out logs of wood), which became home to wild bees living in the Stromecki Forest.