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ESG Strategy 2021-2024: Responsible Bank supporting sustainable development

An extension of the fourth pillar of the Bank’s Business Strategy, „Responsibility,” is the ESG Strategy „Responsible Bank Supporting Sustainable Development” adopted on June 25, 2021 (hereinafter: ESG Strategy). It is the first document of Bank Pekao regulating the issue of its responsibility for the environment, social environment and the rules applicable within the organization. These themes are grouped under the three pillars „Environment”, „Commitment” and „Governance”. In each of these areas, the Bank has set specific goals that it will pursue over the coming years.
In the Environment pillar, Pekao Bank has declared, among other things, to increase its commitment to financing sustainable projects, supporting the energy transformation and the transition to a low-carbon economy, and achieving its own climate neutrality by 2030.
Actions for the sustainable development of society and economy as well as prosperity are defined in the second pillar of the ESG Strategy – „Commitment”. Its goals are focused on providing help and equal opportunities as well as preventing exclusion, e.g. through charity and employee volunteering.
The Governance pillar includes attention to the highest standards of corporate governance: an ethical approach to business that takes into account ESG issues and the promotion of employee development, diversity and equality in a modern, inclusive organization.