533 ths.
hours of synchronous training
In 2021, the Bank’s top training priorities included:
Thus, the Bank continued to implement training projects related to the implementation of the adopted business strategies. Training targeted to high-potential employees and induction training for new employees took place. In 2021, the Bank implemented more than 237,000 hours of synchronous training (classroom and virtual classroom) attended by more than 11,000 employees, demonstrating effective implementation of required regulations and concern for customer welfare. Elearning courses and training were delivered at a similar level of over 304,000 hours.
533 ths.
hours of synchronous training
11 ths.
employees took part in training courses
304 ths.
hours of e-learning training
In 2021, several important projects took place at Bank Pekao S.A. as part of general development activities. One of them was „Discovery Week – Learning Week” – an initiative offering a wide range of opportunities to improve and acquire knowledge depending on individual interests, competencies or duties. Its purpose was to educate on hard and soft competencies and increase motivation for self-development. More than 2,000 employees have benefited from the programme. All trainings were designed in an interactive, workshop format that translated into the development of specific skills. In addition to training and workshops, employees could attend one of five lectures with well-known inspirational speakers. All speeches were profiled in terms of banking and professional challenges of the industry, such as self-development, the role of optimism in business or innovation in sales.
Also in 2021, the Robotics Academy was established, a program that develops digital competencies and teaches the basics of automation, including building robots for own needs. The original training programme was developed by practitioners employed by the Bank in cooperation with a partner – the largest provider of automation solutions in the world.
Another offering was the Agile Forge, a three-year training programme that gives every employee a chance to learn essential agile competencies and process optimization through two tracks: Agile and Lean. A comprehensive programme of training, exchange of practical knowledge and coaching is addressed both to people working in product teams and all employees, potential stakeholders of agile methods.
The first edition of the innovative development program TalentsUP, based on practical experience, was also successfully implemented in the Bank. It was addressed to all employees of Bank Pekao, regardless of age, position or work experience. TalentsUP is based on the organization’s core and promoted values of #Simple #Together, #Bold, #Responsible. Its main element is a year-long project path that gives the opportunity to participate in a team implementing one of eight strategic business projects. During this activity, participants learned about trends, research tools, techniques for prototyping and testing. The programme placed great emphasis on ensuring that the solutions developed were fully or at least partially implemented in the Bank. The project path is complemented by an 18-month development path based on close cooperation with a coach and a jointly agreed individual development goal and plan.
The Leadership Academy and Retail Manager Academy, training and development programmes designed for the bank’s management staff, were launched in 2021. The programme was carried out with the support of an external training company and was aimed at preparing the managerial staff both to achieve the business objectives set out in the new strategy of Bank Pekao S.A. and to implement the Bank’s values and introduce key changes. The academy was also designed to help managers cope with the day-to-day operational work in a VUCA environment41. The programmes are designed so that managers gain knowledge in a systematic way and translate it into specific skills on an ongoing basis.
In 2021, the Bank continued its extensive cyber security training project in collaboration with prominent market experts. The theme of the first cycle – „Safe on the Web” – was the conscious and safe use of the Internet, both at work and in private time. The program discussed specific real-world examples and methods to counter a variety of cybersecurity incidents. In addition, the Bank’s 2021 „CyberWell” programme was built around an interactive conference format that allows people to choose a path of interest and participate in inspirational lectures and online workshops. The primary goal of the „CyberWell” was to improve digital competencies among IT and security professionals.
The priority of development programmes at the Bank is to identify, review, verify and develop current and future leaders. Employees can take advantage of development initiatives focused on supporting professional development, skills, knowledge and competencies, as well as participate in initiatives to strengthen engagement. In 2021, programmes and initiatives were implemented to provide support in developing interpersonal and managerial skills. An example of activities in this area are Succession Plans, which are fundamental to ensure continuity of employment in strategic positions, implementation of longterm projects and minimization of operational risk. In addition, an annual appraisal system takes place – which includes assessing the competencies, potential, planning individual development and business goals of the Bank’s employees. Assessment Centre/Development Centre sessions, on the other hand, are aimed at testing professional potential, and their results are used in decision-making processes regarding employment, promotion and development of employees.