Annual Report 2023


Mission, values and corporate culture

In line with Bank Pekao’s Business Strategy for 2021-2024, the Bank continues its efforts to build strong relationships with entrepreneurs and provide security to customers. Bank Pekao invariably aspires to be a leader that not only offers cutting-edge services, but is also an inspiring and conscious workplace of choice. An important aspect of the Bank’s operations is its corporate culture and specifically the actions that make it perceived as a responsible partner and reliable financial institution. One of the key elements of the culture are the Bank’s 2021 stated values of #straightforward, #together, #boldly, #responsibly. They set standards of conduct for Bank employees and build commitment around common goals.

In 2023, a number of cultural initiatives were implemented at the Bank to promote value-driven behavior and, as a result, build an even better working environment.

In the second quarter, Bank’s employees were invited to participate in the Four Values Tournament, a series of four challenges, each centered around a different value. The tournament was based on competitive principles – what mattered was both the employees’ knowledge of the Bank’s values, but also perceptiveness and speed. Each of the 4 challenges ended with the selection of the winners – the best received, among other things, the opportunity to participate in a workshop related to a given value and an invitation to a meeting with an exceptional guest (a recognized authority in his field), who addressed topics directly related to a given value.

The Tournament recorded 2,349 entries from nearly 1,200 employees, which gives confidence that such initiatives make sense and are positively received by employees.

Since monitoring the level of employee engagement and job satisfaction is one of the key elements of Bank Pekao’s corporate culture, the employee engagement survey was conducted twice in the past year. Both the first “pulse” survey, which took place at the beginning of the year, and the second full survey, conducted in late June and early July, recorded not only a significant increase in attendance, but also in the results themselves. This means that the measures implemented in the Bank have the desired effect and positively influence the perception of employees. The engagement survey, as an indispensable part of the Bank’s culture, will also be implemented in 2024.

On October 20, Bank Pekao celebrated the World Values Day for the first time. The event was attended by more than 700 employees - 300 in the stationary format and more than 400 employees participated in the online format. More than 50% of the participants were representatives of the sales network. In order to engage participants in active celebrations and learn more about the Bank’s values, they were offered unusual and unconventional forms of rediscovering the 4 values. The unique atmosphere and very good evaluation of the event itself, contributed to its permanent inclusion in the calendar of holidays celebrated by the Bank.

In December 2023, the Management Board of the Bank approved the “ŻubRady”, a document containing a set of principles that every Bank employee should follow on a daily basis. “ŻubRady” represent the detailing of attitudes and behaviors that stem from the Bank’s values and that will facilitate daily communication and cooperation. More than 60 employees from different structures of the Bank and working in different positions – from a specialist to a director – actively participated in the process of creating the principles. This made it possible to create a universal document that will safeguard the needs of all employee groups of such a large organization as the Bank. The process of cascading information and promotion of “ŻubRady” is scheduled for the first half of 2024.

Bank Pekao’s mission as formulated in its Business Strategy 2021-2024 reads: “Simple and secure world of banking”. This means that the Bank wants to set standards in the market, while being a responsible partner in the daily lives of millions of Poles. It understands its activities as positively influencing the development of the economy, building strong relationships with entrepreneurs and providing security for customers. The Bank’s vision, encapsulated in the slogan “Let’s be the best together”, is the aspiration to be a leader on the Polish banking market, i.e. the fastest growing, modern bank with an offer that goes beyond traditional services. Bank Pekao wants to strengthen the power of domestic brands, as well as be an inspiring place to work.

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