Bank in 2023
Other financial services
Centrum Kart S.A. - CK S.A.
The company provides comprehensive services related to, among others: with support for payment card management systems, transaction authorization and card personalization. The company mainly provides services for Bank Pekao S.A. and in cooperation with the Bank, implements projects aimed at expanding the Bank’s product offer.
In 2023, the most important projects implemented as part of cooperation with the Bank include the implementation by Bank Pekao S.A. handling payments with electronic wallets in the e-commerce channel.
Krajowy Integrator Płatności S.A.– KIP
Szybkie przelewy i płatności online | TPay
Bank has been the owner of shares constituting 38.33% of shares in Krajowy Integrator Płatności S.A., the owner of the fast online payment system Tpay (formerly
The company has the status of a national payment institution and is supervised by the PFSA. The activity of KIP consists in intermediating in the transfer of payments between the payer and the recipient. In 2023, the Company increased the scale of its operations in the area of online payments, service websites and looked for new areas for the development of services provided by KIP, including cooperation with the Bank.
Pekao Direct Sp. z o.o. – Pekao Direct
Pekao Direct provides financial intermediation services and comprehensive services via alternative communication channels to clients of the non-banking sector.
The company supports the Bank as its main client in the field of online banking, cards and product hotlines. Pekao Direct serves customers via alternative communication channels, including primarily by telephone, e-mail and chat. The main communication channel is telephone calls, in 2023 Pekao Direct handled almost 16 million calls, 23% more than in 2022. Pekao Direct participated in the process of setting up selfie accounts, in which it verified 127 thousand accounts opened for selfies, i.e. 27% more than in 2022. Managing marketing campaigns and selling banking products, including express loans and mortgage loans, is an increasingly important element of the services provided to Bank Pekao S.A.
Pekao Financial Services Sp. o.o. – PFS
Pekao Financial Services provides transfer agent services as part of outsourcing to financial institutions in the field of operational and technological solutions.
PFS specializes in servicing domestic and foreign investment funds, general and employee pension societies, as well as entities offering insurance products. The clients served by the Company include companies with an established market position. PFS, following changes in the OFE market, has become the only company that services OFE funds using the services of an external transfer agent.
PeUF Sp. z o. o. – PEUF
PeUF is a company 100% owned by Pekao Leasing Sp. z o. o. and acts as an insurance agent, providing insurance sales services.
PeUF supports the Pekao Leasing portfolio in the scope of newly concluded insurance contracts. PeUF’s activities include agency services related to insurance services for newly concluded leasing transactions, as well as policy renewal services. In addition to agency services, activities include: policy monitoring, claims settlements, and insurance terminations. In 2023, PeUF provided intermediation services for five insurance companies, and the value of commission from sold policies amounted to PLN 31 million and was 63% higher.