The process of reviewing marketing materials and product documentation is covered by the Bank’s Internal Control System. In 2023, the Bank had no cases of non-compliance with regulations on information and labelling of products and services.
In accordance with generally applicable laws and regulations, both Bank Pekao and the Bank Pekao Group companies engaged in the business of offering financial products and services have numerous regulations that define the standard of their operations, as well as establish rules of conduct to protect the interests of customers, minimize compliance and reputation risks in the sale of products and services to consumers. At the Bank, this area is comprehensively governed by the New Product Implementation Process Policy at Bank Pekao S.A. (hereinafter: “New Product Implementation Policy”), Principles of creating marketing communication of Bank Polska Kasa Opieki Spółka Akcyjna (hereinafter: “Principles of creating marketing communication”) and Principles of publishing information on the website of Bank Polska Kasa Opieki Spółka Akcyjna (hereinafter: Principles of publishing information on the website). The standards for offering and selling are further specified by: Rules for the sale of credit and payment products to consumers at Bank Polska Kasa Opieki Spółka Akcyjna and Rules for the sale of investment products. The risk of misleading a customer about a product’s designation is managed ex ante through ongoing verification of product documentation and marketing materials by dedicated Second Line of Defense units, and in the case of investment products also ex post in the form of listening to investment calls, where the Bank identifies whether misselling or greenwashing has occurred.