46.4. Market risk

The Group is exposed in its operations to market risk and other types of risk caused by changing market risk parameters.
Market risk is the risk of deteriorating financial result or capital of the Group resulting from market changes. The main factors of market risk are as follows:
- interest rates,
- foreign exchange rates,
- stock prices,
- commodity prices.
The Group established a market risk management system, providing structural, organizational and methodological frames for the purpose of shaping the structure of balance and off-balance items to assure the achievement of strategic goals.
The main objective of market risk management is to optimize financial results so as to assure the implementation of financial goals of the Group while keeping the exposure to market risk within the risk appetite defined through risk limits approved by the Management Board and the Supervisory Board.
The organization of the market risk management process is based on a three-tier control system, established in compliance with the best international banking practices and recommendations from banking supervision. The process of market risk management and procedures regulating it have been developed taking into consideration the split into trading and banking books.
Market risk of the trading book
The Group’s management of market risk of the trading book aims at optimizing the financial results and assuring the highest possible quality of customer service in reference to the market accessibility (market making) while staying within the limits of risk approved by the Management Board and the Supervisory Board.
The main tool for market risk of the trading book measurement is Value at Risk model (VaR). This value corresponds to the level of a one-day loss, which will be exceeded with the probability not greater than 1%. VaR value is calculated with historical simulation method based on 2 years of historical observations of market risk factors’ dynamics. The set of factors used when calculating VaR consists of all significant market factors that are taken into account for valuation of financial instruments, excluding specific credit risk of an issuer and counterparty. Estimating the impact of changes in market factors on the present value of a given portfolio is performed under the full revaluation (which is a difference between the value of the portfolio after the adjustments in market parameters’ levels by historically observed changes of the parameters and the present value of the portfolio). For such a set of probable changes in the portfolio value (distribution), VaR is defined to be equal to 1% quantile.
The model is subject to continuous, statistical verification by comparing the VaR values to actual and revaluated performance figures. Results of analyses carried out in 2023 and 2022 confirmed the adequacy of the model applied.
The table below presents the market risk exposure of the trading portfolio of the Group measured by Value at Risk as at 31 December 2023 and as at 31 December 2022.
Interest rate risk of the banking book
In managing the interest rate risk of the banking book the Group aims at hedging the economic value of capital and achieving the planned interest result within the accepted limits. The financial position of the Group in relation to changing interest rates is monitored through the interest rate gap (repricing gap), duration analysis, sensitivity analysis, stress testing and VaR. The interest rate risk of the banking book measurement is generally carried out on a monthly basis.
In 2023, remaining at a relatively high level of interest rates and high banking sector liquidity had a significant impact on the level of the Bank’s exposure to interest rate risk and the amount of net interest income. The Bank maintains a balanced interest rate’s risk profile. The economic value of capital and the income stream were secured by concluding IRS transactions on an appropriate scale and by purchasing fixed-coupon bonds.
The table below presents the sensitivity levels of the contractual interest income (NII) to the interest rate change by 100 b.p. and of economic value of the Bank’s equity (EVE) to the interest rate change by 200 b.p. (standard regulatory shock excluding the risk profile of own funds) for the end of December 2023 and December 2022.
Currency risk
Currency risk management is performed simultaneously for the trading and the banking book. The objective of currency risk management is to maintain the currency profile of statement of financial position and off-balance items within the internal limits.