46.9. Fair value of financial assets and liabilities
Financial instruments that are measured at fair value in the consolidated statement of financial position of the Group
The measurement of fair value of financial instruments, for which market values from active markets are available, is based on market quotations of a given instrument (mark-to-market).
The measurement of fair value of Over-the-counter (‘OTC’) derivatives, instruments with limited liquidity (i.e. for which no market quotations are available), as well as the valuation of credits and loans, is made on the basis of other instruments quotations on active markets by replication thereof using a number of valuation techniques, including the estimation of present value of future cash flows(mark-to-model).
As of 31 December 2023 and 31 December 2022, the Group classified the financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value into the following hierarchy of three categories based on the following hierarchy:
- Level 1: mark-to-market, applies to securities quoted on active markets,
- Level 2: mark-to-model valuation with model parameterization, based on quotations from active markets for given type of instrument, applies to illiquid government, municipal, corporate and central bank debt securities, linear and non-linear derivative instruments of interest rate markets (including forward transactions on debt securities), equity, commodity and foreign currency exchange markets, except for those cases that meet the criteria of Level 3,
- Level 3: mark-to-model valuation with partial model parameterization, based on estimated risk factors, applicable to loans and advances, corporate and municipal debt securities and for linear and non-linear derivative instruments of interest rate, equity, commodity and foreign currency exchange markets for which unobservable parameters (e.g. credit risk factors) are recognized as significant.
The measurement at fair value is performed directly by an organizational units within Risk Management Division and Finance Division, independent of front-office units. The methodology of fair value measurement, including the changes of its parameterization, is subject to approval of Assets and Liabilities Committee (ALCO). The adequacy of measurement methods is subject to on-going analysis and periodical reviews in the framework of model risk management. The same Risk Management Division unit performs the assessment of adequacy and significance of risk factors and assignment of valuation models to appropriate method class, according to established hierarchy of classification.
Assets and liabilities measured at fair value in breakdown by fair value hierarchy levels
Assets and liabilities measured at fair value in breakdown by fair value hierarchy levels
Change in fair value of financial assets measured at fair value according to Level 3 by the Group
Change in fair value of financial assets measured at fair value according to Level 3 by the Group
Transfers of instruments between fair value hierarchy levels are based on changes in availability of active market quotations at the end of the reporting periods.
In the period from 1 January to 31 December 2023 the following transfers of financial instruments between the levels of the fair value hierarchy were made:
- from Level 3 to Level 2: corporate bonds which were valued based on information on the prices of comparable financial instruments, corporate and municipal bonds with immaterial impact of the estimated credit parameters on the valuation,
- from Level 2 to Level 3: assets or liabilities for which impact of estimated unobservable factor on the valuation was material: corporate and municipal bonds (credit parameters) as well as treasury bonds, foreign exchange derivatives (probability of default).
Sensitivity analysis
The impact of estimated parameters on measurement of financial instruments for which the Bank applies fair value valuation according to Level 3 as at 31 December 2023 is as follows:
The impact of estimated parameters on measurement of financial instruments for which the Bank applies fair value valuation according to Level 3 as at 31 December 2022 is as follows:
As part of the measurement preparation, the Group reviews unobserved risk factors affecting fair value. The Group assumes that the dynamics of observable and unobservable risk factors should be characterized by a similar direction and scale of changes. The recalibration of unobservable factors aims to make the dynamics of the fair value of instruments classified to Level 3 of the valuation hierarchy consistent with the dynamics of market prices.
Financial instruments that are not measured at fair value in the consolidated statement of financial position of the Group
The Group also holds financial instruments which are not presented at fair value in the financial statements. Fair value is the price that would be received to sell an asset or paid to transfer a liability in an orderly transaction between market participants at the measurement date.
As of 31 December 2023 and 31 December 2022, the Group classified the financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value in the consolidated statement of financial position into the following three categories based on the valuation level:
- Level 1: mark-to-market, applies to government securities quoted on the liquid market and cash,
- Level 2: mark-to-model valuation with model parameterization, based on quotations from active markets for given type of instrument, applies to interbank deposits, own issues, illiquid government, municipal, corporate and central bank debt securities,
- Level 3: mark-to-model valuation with partial model parameterization, based on estimated risk factors, is applicable to corporate and municipal debt securities and loans and deposits for which the applied credit risk factor (an unobservable parameter) is recognized significant.
In case of certain groups of financial assets, recognized at the amount to be received with impairment considered, the fair value was assumed to be equal to carrying amount. The above applies in particular to cash and other financial assets and liabilities.
In the case of loans for which no quoted market values are available, the fair values presented are generally estimated using valuation techniques taking into consideration the assumption, that at the moment when the loan is granted its fair value is equal to its carrying amount. Fair value of non-impaired loans is equal to the sum of future expected cash flows, discounted at the balance sheet date, less expected credit loss. Moreover, the fair value of mortgage loans in PLN as at 31 December 2023, estimated by the Bank, takes into account that with a 50% probability there may be modifications in the expected flows resulting from the suspension of loan repayments in the group of approximately 70% of eligible borrowers in the event of the entry into force of the Act amending the Act on support for borrowers (details regarding this act are presented in Note 47). The discount rate is defined as the appropriate market risk-free rate plus the liquidity risk margin and current sales margin for the given loan products group. The margin is computed on loans granted broken down by loan product groups and maturity.
For the purpose of the fair value of foreign currency loans estimation, the margin on PLN loans adjusted by the cross-currency basis swap quotes and FX-Swap is used. The fair value of impaired loans is defined as equal to the sum of expected recoveries, discounted with the use of effective interest rate, since the average expected recovery values take the element of credit risk fully into consideration. In case of loans without repayment schedule (loans in current account, overdrafts and credit cards), the fair value was assumed as equal to the carrying amount.
Since no quoted market prices are available for deposits, their fair values have been generally estimated using valuation techniques with the assumption that the fair value of a deposit at the moment of its receipt is equal to its carrying amount. The fair value of term deposits is equal to the sum of future expected cash flows, discounted at the relevant balance sheet date. The cash flow discount rate is defined as the relevant market risk-free rate, increased by the sales margin. The margin is computed on deposits acquired during last three months broken down by deposit product groups and maturity. In case of short term deposits (current deposits, overnights, saving accounts), the fair value was assumed as equal to the carrying amount.
The fair value of deposits and loans, apart from mortgage loans denominated in PLN and CHF for which prepayment model is used, is calculated based on contractual cash flows.
The mark-to-model valuation of own issue debt instruments is based on the method of discounting the future cash flows. Variable cash flows are estimated based upon rates adopted for specific markets (depending upon issue specifications). Both the fixed and implied cash flows are discounted using interbank money market rates.