6. Operating segments

Data reported in the section stem from the application of the management model (‘Model’) in which the main criterion for segmentation is the classification of customers based on their profile and service model.
Reporting and monitoring of results, for managerial purposes, include all components of the income statement up to the gross profit level. Therefore, the income from the segment’s activities as well as operating costs related to those activities (including direct and allocated costs in line with the allocation model applied) and other components of income statement are attached to each segment.
The Group settles transactions between segments on an arm’s length basis by applying current market prices. Fund transfers between retail, private, corporate and investment banking segments, and the assets and liabilities management and other area are based on market prices applicable to the funds’ currency and maturity, including liquidity margins.
Operating segments
The operating segments of the Group are as follows:
- Retail banking – all banking activities related to retail customers (excluding private banking customers) and micro companies with annual turnover not exceeding PLN 5 million, as well as results of the subsidiaries, and shares in net profit of associates accounted for using the equity method, that are assigned to the retail banking activity,
- Private banking – all banking activities related to the most affluent individual customers,
- Corporate and Investment banking – all banking activities related to large companies and results of the subsidiaries that are assigned to the Corporate and Investment banking activity,
- Enterprise banking – all banking activities related to the companies with annual turnover from PLN 5 million to PLN 500 million and below 5 million in the case of companies conducting full accounting,
- Assets and Liabilities management and other – supervision and monitoring of fund transfers, interbank market, debt securities and other instruments, other activities centrally managed as well as the results of subsidiaries and share in net profit of associates accounted for using the equity method that are not assigned to other reported segments.