23. Loans and advances to customers
Significant accounting policies
Loans and advances to customers include amounts due from loans and advances granted, finance lease and factoring receivables.
Loans and advances to customers are classified in the individual measurement categories in accordance with the principles for selecting the business model and evaluating the characteristics of contractual cash flows referred to in the Note 5.4.
Accounting policies used for finance lease receivables are described in Note 12 and 40.
Financial data
Loans and advances to customers by product type
Loans and advances to customers by product type
Loans and advances to customers by customer type
Loans and advances to customers by contractual maturity
Loans and advances to customers by contractual maturity
The currency structure for the Loans and advances to customers item is presented in Note 46.4 in the section on currency risk.
Receivables from finance leases
As a lessor, the Group concludes contracts classified as finance leases, the main subject of which are means of transport, machinery and technical equipment. The main lessor in the Group is Pekao Leasing Sp. z o.o.
In 2023, the Group recognized a gain on sale of the right-of-use assets in the amount of PLN 4 million (in 2022 a gain amounted to PLN 4 million), presented in ‘Other operating income’.
In 2023, the Group recognized interest income on finance lease receivables in the amount of PLN 856 million (in 2022 – PLN 572 million).
The tables below present the maturity analysis of lease receivables, presenting the undiscounted lease payments to be received after the balance sheet date.