Annual Report 2023

22. Hedge accounting

Significant accounting policies

Derivative hedging financial instruments are initially recorded at fair value as at the transaction date and subsequently re-measured at fair value at each balance sheet date. The fair value is established on the basis of market quotations for an instrument traded in an active market, as well as on the basis of valuation techniques, including models using discounted cash flows and options valuation models, depending on which valuation method is appropriate.

Positive valuation of derivative hedging financial instruments is presented in the statement of financial position in the line ‘Hedging instruments’ on an asset side, whereas the negative valuation – ‘Hedging instruments’ on a liabilities side.

The Group designates some of its derivative instruments as hedging items in applying hedge accounting. The Group decided to take advantage of the choice which gives IFRS 9 and continues to apply the hedge accounting requirements of IAS 39. This decision will apply to all hedging relationships, for which the Bank applies and will apply hedge accounting in the future. The Bank implemented fair value hedge accounting as well as cash flow hedge accounting.

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