Net profit
6,580 |
1,719 |
Other comprehensive income
Item that are or may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Impact of revaluation of debt financial instruments and loan measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (net):
753 |
(638) |
Profit/loss on fair value measurement
769 |
(619) |
Profit/loss reclassification to income statement after derecognition
(16) |
(19) |
Impact of revaluation of derivative instruments hedging cash flows (net)
22 |
1,617 |
(983) |
Items that will never be reclassified to profit or loss:
Impact of revaluation of investments in equity instruments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income (net)
64 |
(48) |
Remeasurements of the defined benefit liabilities (net)
(24) |
(8) |
Other comprehensive income (net of tax)
2,410 |
(1,677) |
Total comprehensive income
8,990 |
42 |
1. Attributable to equity holders of the Bank
8,988 |
40 |
2. Attributable to non-controlling interests
2 |
2 |