Annual Report 2023

I. Consolidated income statement

NOTE 2023 2022
Interest income
7 18,085 11,111
Interest income calculated using the effective interest method 18,045 11,080

Financial assets measured at amortised cost

16,256 10,404
Financial assets measured at fair value through other comprehensive income
1,789 676
Other interest income related to financial assets measured at fair value through profit or loss
40 31
Interest expense
7 (6,162) (2,868)
Net interest income
11,923 8,243
Fee and commission income
8 3,590 3,439
Fee and commission expense 8 (804) (729)
Net fee and commission income 2,786 2,710
Dividend income
9 30 28
Result on financial assets and liabilities measured at fair value through profit or loss and foreign exchange result 10 492 188
Result on fair value hedge accounting 22 3
Result on derecognition of financial assets and liabilities not measured at fair value through profit or loss 11 15 -4
Net allowances for expected credit losses 12 (559) (2,016)
including: legal risk regarding foreign currency mortgage loans 91 (1,246)
Operating income 13 119 137
Operating expenses 13 (632) (641)
including: legal risk regarding foreign currency mortgage loans (497) (352)
General administrative expenses and depreciation 14 (5,700) (5,771)
Gains on associates 15 6 5
Income tax expense 16 (1,900) (1,163)
NET PROFIT 6,580 1,719

1. Attributable to equity holders of the Bank

6,578 1,717

2. Attributable to non-controlling interests

2 2
Earnings per share (in PLN per share)
basic for the period 17 25.06 6.54
diluted for the period 17 25.06 6.54


Notes to the financial statements presented on pages 11 – 170 constitute an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.

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