Annual Report 2023

V. Consolidated cash flow statement

NOTE 2023 2022
Cash flow from operating activities – indirect method
Profit before income tax
8,480 2,882
Adjustments for:
19,540 15,597
Depreciation and amortization
14 634 616
Share in gains (losses) from associates
15 (6) (5)
(Gains) losses on investing activities
(53) (79)
Net interest income
7 (11,923) (8,243)
Dividend income
9 (30) (28)
Interest received
17,848 10,400
Interest paid
(6,001) (2,441)
Income tax paid
(248) (759)
Change in loans and advances to banks
260 (122)
Change in derivative financial instruments (assets)
5,771 (7,160)
Change in loans and advances to customers
(in this receivables from financial leases)
(2,576) 1,065
Change in securities(including assets pledged as security for liabilities)
(198) (302)
Change in other assets
11 (2,860)
Change in amounts due to banks
(1,258) (536)
Change in financial liabilities held for trading
(117) 235
Change in derivative financial instruments (liabilities)
(6,227) 7,552
Change in amounts due to customers
23,427 15,341
Change in debt securities issued
(1,289) (369)
Change in subordinated liabilities
(8) 28
Payments for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets (1) (2)
Change in provisions
575 519
Change in other liabilities
949 2,747
Net cash flows from operating activities
28,020 18,479
Cash flow from investing activities
Investing activity inflows
1,315,352 152,941
Sale and redemption of securities measured at amortised cost and  at fair value through other comprehensive income
1,315,303 152,803
Sale of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment
28, 29 19 110
Dividend received
9 30 28
Investing activity outflows
(1,346,050) (166,101)
Acquisition of securities measured at amortised cost and at fair value through other comprehensive income
(1,345,000) (165,586)
Acquisition of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 28, 29 (1,050) (515)
Net cash flows from investing activities
(30,698) (13,160)
NOTE 2023 2022
Cash flows from financing activities
Financing activity inflows
5,790 10,655
Due to loans and advances received from banks
44 1,656 1,781
Issue of debt securities 44 4,134 8,874
Financing activity outflows (6,090) (6,017)
Repayment of loans and advances received from banks 44 (1,349) (1,239)
Redemption of debt securities 44 (3,226) (3,533)
Dividends and other payments to shareholders 18 (1,422) (1,129)
Payments for the principal portion of the lease liabilities 44 (93) (116)
Net cash flows from financing activities (300) 4,638
Total net cash flows (2,978) 9,957
including effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents held
(265) 93
Net change in cash and cash equivalents (2,978) 9,957
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 17,693 7,736
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 19 14,715 17,693

Notes to the financial statements presented on pages 11 – 170 constitute an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.

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