Annual Report 2023

26. Assets held for sale

Significant accounting policies

Non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations

Non-current assets held for sale include assets, the carrying amount of which is to be recovered by way of resale and not from their continued use. The only assets classified as held for sale are those available for immediate sale in their present condition, and the sale of which is highly probable, i.e. when the decision has been made to sell a given asset, an active program to identify a buyer has been launched and the divestment plan is completed. Moreover, such assets are offered for sale at a price which approximates its present fair value, and it is expected that the sale will be recognized as completed within one year from the date of such asset is reclassified into this category.

Non-current assets held for sale are recognized at the carrying amount or at fair value reduced by the cost of such assets, whichever is lower. Assets classified in this category are not subject to depreciation.

A discontinued operation is a component of the Group’s business which constitutes a separate line of business or a geographical area of operations, which was sold, made available for sale or to be disposed, or is a subsidiary acquired exclusively with a view to re-sale. Classification as a discontinued operation occurs on disposal or when the operation meets the criteria to be classified as held for sale. When an operation is classified as held for sale, the comparative figures in the income statement are represented as if the operation had been discontinued from the beginning of the comparative period.

As at 31 December 2023 and 31 December 2022 non-current assets classified as held for sale are identified non-current assets meeting requirements of IFRS 5 ‘Non-current Assets Held for Sale and Discontinued Operations’:

  • real estate,
  • other property, plant and equipment.

Financial data

31.12.2023 31.12.2022
Property, plant and equipment 32 12
Total 32 12

The changes in the balance of assets held for sale

2023 2022
Opening balance 12 13
Increases including: 26 28
transfer from property, plant and equipment 26 27
other 1
Decreases including: -6 -29
disposal -6 -29
Closing balance 32 12

The effect of disposal of assets held for sale

2023 2022
Sales revenues 20 47
Net carrying amount of disposed assets(net) (including sale costs) -6 -29
Profit/loss on sale before income tax 14 18

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