Annual Report 2023

5.5.4. Other estimation areas

Measurement of derivatives, unquoted debt securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income and loans and advances to customers measured at fair value through other comprehensive income and measured at fair value through profit or loss

The fair value of non-option derivatives, debt securities measured at fair value through other comprehensive income and loans and advances to customers measured at fair value through other comprehensive income and measured at fair value through profit or loss that do not have a quoted market price on an active market is measured using valuation models based on discounted cash flows. Options are valued using option valuation models. Variables used for valuation purposes include, where possible, the data from observable markets. However, the Bank also adopts assumptions concerning counterparty’s credit risks which affect the valuation of instruments. The adoption of other measurement assumptions may affect the valuation of these financial instruments. The assumptions used for fair value measurement are described in detail in the Note 46.9.

Provisions for defined benefit plans

The main actuarial assumptions applied to estimatio of provisions for defined benefit plans, such as the discount rate and the salary increase rate, were presented in Note 38.

Provisions for commission refunds in the event of early repayment of loan

As at 31 December 2023 the Group assessed the legal risk arising from the judgment of the Court of Justice of the European Union (hereinafter the ‘CJEU’) on consumer loans and estimated the possible amount of cash outflow as a refund of commission to the customer in relation to early repayment of consumer loans (for loans prepaid before the judgment of the CJEU, i.e. before 11 September 2019).

In addition, with regard to balance sheet exposures as at 31 December 2023, the Group estimated the possible prepayments of these exposures in the future.

The estimates required the Group to adopt expert assumptions primarily regarding the scale of complaints and amounts reimbursed for prepaid loans before the CJEU judgment, as well as the expected scale of prepayments and future returns for balance sheet exposures, and are associated with significant uncertainty.

Details on the estimated provision for early repayment of consumer loans together with the sensitivity analysis are presented in Note 36.

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