Annual Report 2023

Purchasing process

Responsible purchasing process

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The Bank and Pekao Group entities know that for the purchasing process to be responsible, it is essential to ensure impartiality and objectivity to guarantee fairness in business relationships. Therefore, when selecting suppliers of goods, services and construction works, they follow internal procedures that are in line with best market practices and applicable legal regulations. It is important that suppliers also demonstrate a high level of ethics and follow best practices.

  • Purchasing policy at Bank Polska Kasa Opieki Spółka Akcyjna,
  • Principles for Procurement by the Procurement Department of Bank Polska Kasa Opieki Spółka Akcyjna,
  • Principles for Procurement without the participation of the Procurement Department of Bank Polska Kasa Opieki Spółka Akcyjna.

Policies are reviewed regularly, the last review was performed in 2022. In the same year, the Procurement Policy was also updated to bring the regulations in line with the ongoing transformation of the Bank’s procurement function, which included, among other things, digitalization of purchasing processes and communication conducted with bidders at the stage of procurement procedures and orders placed. As a result of the work, the Integrated Procurement Tool was implemented. A comprehensive system upgrade was carried out in 2023, providing new functionality for internal and external users.

In the interest of ensuring fair competition, the subject matter of the contract is always defined equally for all contractors. Any company that meets the Bank’s internal requirements and submits a bid may be invited to participate. Bidders to be considered for procurement procedures are registered in the supplier database and considered when constructing the list of potential suppliers.

As of 2022, Bank Pekao’s Supplier Zone* is available online. Information on selected procurement proceedings planned to be launched is published there. The Supplier Zone also includes a dedicated link to register in the Integrated Procurement Tool, where contractors can indicate the assortments in which they would like to be invited to the procurement processes being launched. Entities invited to take part in the process can ask questions concerning the specification provided. Information on the final decision is sent to all bidders.

To ensure unbiased selection of suppliers of goods and services, the Bank establishes procurement teams which must ensure that the supplier selection process is transparent and recommend the most advantageous bid. In accordance with the principles applicable to the Bank’s ordering procedures, most ordering procedures are based on negotiations in an electronic form, which definitely streamlines procedures with Polish and international partners. One of the advantages of such a solution is the high effectiveness and transparency of the negotiation process.

For the Bank, it is very important to act in accordance with business ethics, which is why bidders are vetted for corruption risks and for sanction lists (US, EU, UN and domestic sanction lists) and public warnings from the PFSA. Companies that provide products or services for the Bank are informed about the abuse prevention process and material provisions of the corruption prevention policy in force at the Bank.

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In the case of procurement procedures whose value exceeds net PLN 1 million, suppliers are subject to the obligation to fill out a “Social and Environmental Responsibility (CSR) Form”. In this way, the Bank undertakes actions aimed at sustainable development, protection of the environment, and prevention of violations of human rights by the Bank’s business partners. The Form includes questions on the incorporation of environmental regulations and issues of respect for human rights in the daily operations of a supplier or contractor. The Form was updated in 2022 and the scope of its issues includes:

  • compliance with environmental regulations, inspections and criminal cases connected with the violation of applicable regulations in this regard,
  • the implementation of innovative environment-friendly new technologies,
  • the organization of training and information meetings on environmental issues for employees.
  • a ban on forced labor,
  • a ban on children labor,
  • respect for legal regulations on working time,
  • respect for legal regulations on OHS.
  • compliance with regulations of Labor law, including the payment of remuneration habitually applied in a given sector for all employees.
  • violations of anti-corruption laws.

Bank Pekao S.A. Code of Ethics for Suppliers

The Bank, acting in accordance with the value of #responsibly, prepared a Code of Ethics for Suppliers of Bank Pekao S.A. On October 4, 2023, the Code was adopted by the Management Board of the Bank. The Code is used in procurement procedures to promote the Bank’s values while indicating to our counterparties the expectations, principles and standards of Bank Pekao S.A.

The Code includes provisions on environmental and natural resource protection, compliance with social factors and corporate governance principles. We want to show our contractors the Bank’s benchmarks and development directions. To ensure proper communication, the Code has been translated into English and posted on the Bank’s website, on the ESG portal under Policies and Procedures - Corporate Governance, in the dedicated Supplier Zone, on the Procurement Department’s website, and in the Integrated Procurement Tool, where potential suppliers acknowledge that they have read the Code and agree to abide by it. Provisions about the Supplier’s familiarity with the Code of Ethics and commitment to abide by it were also included in the revised GTCs.

As a responsible financial institution, the Bank expects suppliers and subcontractors to adhere to standards and principles that allow it to conduct its business in a responsible, transparent and sustainable manner with ESG criteria in mind. As a result, the Bank is open to relationships with suppliers that incorporate environmental, social and corporate governance criteria into their business operations. Environmental responsibility is of paramount importance to the Bank, so in its business operations, the Bank is constantly developing its commitment to energy and environmental transformation, as well as striving to achieve climate neutrality. It is an active participant in government and EU reconstruction and transformation programs. The Bank’s lending policy is increasingly focused on financing sustainable projects. The Bank is a signatory to the 10 Principles of the United Nations Global Compact. Bank Pekao S.A.’s Code of Ethics for Suppliers clearly defines environmental expectations for suppliers. The Bank’s Code of Ethics for Suppliers also expects suppliers to comply with social factors and corporate governance principles. It fully supports the development of Polish businesses and is eagerly involved in social initiatives – preventing exclusion, leveling the playing field, providing assistance. The Code is used in procurement procedures to promote the Bank’s values and ethical principles, indicating to the Bank’s counterparties the Bank’s expectations, principles and standards.

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The Bank, through its Procurement Department, cooperates with external contractors within the framework of: ongoing procurement procedures (2063 bidders were invited to participate in procurement procedures resolved in 2023), concluded contracts (274 contractors) and placed orders (928 contractors). More than 98% of suppliers are contractors doing business in Poland. The supplier base is managed through the Integrated Procurement Tool.

The contents of the Code of Ethics for Suppliers in Polish and English versions have been published on the Bank’s website.

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