Annual Report 2023

Human rights

Relations with the trade unions

GRI[ ]
  • 3-3
  • 407-1

The Bank respects employees’ freedom of association and conducts dialogue with trade unions operating at the Bank, which is based on respect for fair interests of the parties. The Bank documents the conducted social dialogue and provides trade union organizations with dedicated intranet websites for communication with employees.

In 2023, the Bank cooperated with trade unions in the form of consultations, negotiations and arrangements under terms and conditions set out by Labor law and with respect for the parties’ interests and principles of social dialogue - 24 meetings were held between the Bank and trade union organizations. The meetings were mainly devoted to negotiations and arrangements resulting from internal labor law and generally applicable regulations, changes in in-house labor laws, arrangements for the use of the Company Social Benefits Fund, and other topics related to collective employee rights.

In addition, in 2023, the Bank, together with four trade unions, Parties to the Company Collective Labor Agreement, agreed on and signed, in the form of Additional Protocol No. 3 to the Company Collective Labor Agreement, the “Rules of awarding bonuses to employees of the sales network of the Retail Banking Division.” All Trade Union Organizations operating at the Bank were involved in the bargaining process.

In 2023, there were three collective disputes initiated successively in 2016, 2019 and 2021 by one of the Bank’s trade union organizations. Regarding the collective dispute initiated in 2016, a Memorandum of Divergence was signed by the Bank and the trade union organization, ending the mediation stage.

  • 407-1

The Bank, in its mutual relations with trade union organizations, has been guided by the principle of good faith in developing the best collective Labor law solutions for both employees and the Bank. The right to freedom of association and collective bargaining is not violated or threatened to be violated at any of the Pekao Group’s establishments and locations.

Employee Council

  • 402-1

The Employee Council is a body of employee representation, and the rules of its election, its purpose and its powers are defined by the Act of April 7, 2006 on Informing Employees and Conducting Consultations. The Council is independent in its operations, has its own internal structure and acts independently towards the employer.

  • the employer’s activities and economic situation, as well as anticipated changes in this regard,
  • the status, structure and projected changes in employment and measures to maintain employment levels,
  • activities that may cause significant changes in work organization or employment bases.

The employer conveys information to the Council in the event of anticipated changes or intended actions and at the written request of the Employee Council within a time, form and scope that will enable the Employee Council to become familiar with the matter, analyze the information and prepare for consultation, if required.

The Employee Council has an intranet site on which it posts its messages addressed to Bank employees. In 2023, a total of four meetings were held with the Employee Council.

Number of trade union organizations operating at Bank Pekao 9 9 8
Number of members of Bank Pekao’s Employee Council 7 7 7
Unionization at Bank Pekao 53% 52.3% 51.6%
Number of days lost due to strike 0 0 0


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