Annual Report 2023


OHS issues

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  • prevent accidents at work, occupational diseases and potential accidents,
  • meet the requirements of the applicable provisions of law,
  • aim at continuous improvement of occupational health and safety,
  • conduct occupational risk assessments,
  • improve actions relating to occupational health and safety to avoid losses arising from accidents at work,
  • improve employees’ qualifications and involvement in OHS initiatives,
  • provide necessary technical and financial resources and competent personnel to carry out duties connected with the protection of employees’ safety and health.

The basic regulations in the area of Occupational Health and Safety at Bank Pekao are the “Principles of occupational health and safety and fire protection” and the “Policy of Bank Pekao S.A. Group on occupational health and safety”. The principles were developed based on the provisions of generally applicable law, on the basis of which internal instructions for conduct and employee handbooks were prepared.

The tasks of the Occupational Health and Safety Bureau are regulated by the Council of Ministers’ Regulation on the Occupational Health and Safety Service. Implementation of the provisions contained therein is carried out through a systematic inspection of working conditions, taking into account: the organization of processes and their impact on working conditions, the technical condition of the premises, as well as the reported requests relating to health and safety requirements. Another important element of the Health and Safety Service’s operation is the verification of compliance with health and safety regulations and rules, including the opinion of arrangement projects in terms of health and safety, and the acceptance of newly built and modernized banking facilities.

The Occupational Health and Safety Service has a significant role in carrying out occupational risk assessments, the primary goal of which is to ensure that employees are effectively protected from the hazards present in the work environment. The purpose of an occupational risk assessment is to determine what hazards can cause injury or deterioration of employees’ health, and to answer the question of whether it is possible to eliminate them and what measures should be taken in this regard. Identified risks are discussed during meetings of the Health and Safety Committee, which, in addition to employer representatives, is also attended by the social side.

Employees are familiarized with the hazards at the Bank during their initial health and safety training. The Bank’s occupational risk assessment process has been completely digitized and all its steps are done through a dedicated application.

Initial and periodic training sessions are conducted to raise the level of awareness of the Bank’s employees regarding occupational health and safety. Initial training consists of general instruction by an employee of the Occupational Health and Safety Service and on-job instruction by the employee’s supervisor. Periodic training is conducted entirely on an e-learning platform.

The Bank periodically organizes training in pre-medical first aid. Training courses are conducted by qualified paramedics through which they provide employees with an adequate dose of both theoretical and practical knowledge.

A dedicated page has been set up on the Bank’s intranet pages to provide the necessary occupational health and safety information, applicable guidelines and instructions. Employees also have the opportunity to report potential hazards through the Occupational Health and Safety email box.

The Bank has had an Occupational Health and Safety Committee for 23 years, which includes employer representatives, including the doctor providing preventive care for employees and employees of the Occupational Health and Safety Service, as well as employee representatives. During the meetings, which are held every quarter, current occupational health and safety issues and initiatives are discussed.

  • 403-9

In 2023, the number of accidents at Bank Pekao SA was 34. In terms of the characteristics of the injuries sustained, the following should be mentioned first and foremost: sprains, contusions, and fractures of limbs, spinal injuries, and surface wounds. In each of the cases mentioned, the circumstances and causes of the accidents were determined and post-accident recommendations were made. No fatal or serious injuries were reported.

Total number of occupational accidents, including: 31 7 38 27 7 34
Number of light accidents 31 7 38 27 7 34
Number of serious accidents 0 0 0 0 0 0
Number of fatal accidents 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total number of people injured in accidents 38 34
Total accident frequency rate (IR, calculated as total number of people injured in accidents/employment x 1000) 2.54 2.73
Accident severity rate (calculated as number of days of disability due to accident/number of accidents) 28 29
Total number of days missed due to occupational injuries (LDR, calculated as the ratio of the total number of days missed to the number of employees’ scheduled working hours in the reported period x 200,000) 8.4 5.7
Absenteeism rate (AR, calculated as the total number of unexpected days absent from work*/number of days worked per year x 100) 8.9 7.1
(*) Absences due to illness (not only associated with work-related accidents) and possibly other unscheduled absences (such as days off for childcare) excluding leaves of absence (vacation, maternity, paternity).

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