Annual Report 2023


Medical care and health-promoting activities

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Bank Pekao S.A. offers all Bank employees medical care provided since April 2020 by PZU Zdrowie. Bank employees may take advantage of the package of basic medical services with the possibility of extending them. The wide range of medical services negotiated by the Bank may also be used by family members indicated by the employee, i.e. children, children over 26 years of age, spouses, partners, parents, parents-in-law, and senior citizens. The medical care offer is also addressed to retirees of Bank Pekao as part of a specially negotiated package. Under medical care, the insurer covers or provides discounts on medical consultations, outpatient procedures, prescription visits, laboratory diagnostics, pregnancy management, immunizations, home visits, imaging, endoscopic and functional tests, rehabilitation and dentistry. Taking into account the expectations of employees and market benchmarks, changes have been implemented as of November 1, 2022, which affect the satisfaction associated with the use of medical care services. This includes a preventive package available to all employees, as part of occupational medicine – consultations for selected specialties: ophthalmologist, orthopedist, neurologist, rheumatologist, and a package of laboratory tests.


In addition, the Bank has introduced the possibility of reimbursement for medical services provided outside the provider’s network into the contract with the medical provider as of April 1, 2023. It increased or eliminated benefit limits, increased the availability of GPs to 24H and the amount of rehabilitation treatments in some packages. In addition, in October 2023, the Bank carried out “Health Zones” - a series of oncology prevention examinations - in cooperation with a health care provider. The examinations were carried out in five Polish cities, and a total of 160 patients were examined. In two cases, the examination detected significant lesions that required immediate intervention, and more than a dozen lesions were recommended for further diagnostics.

In addition, the Bank promotes various health-promoting initiatives (e.g., flu vaccinations) and runs an educational series via its intranet “The Health Pill”, which supports employees in developing health-promoting habits and introduces them to important elements of medical care.

The average monthly number of packages held by Bank employees and their family members was 14,422, and the average monthly number of packages financed or co-financed by the Bank was 10,261. Pekao Group companies also provide medical care for their employees.

Take Health by the Horns

The “Take Health by the Horns” program has become a permanent fixture in the range of activities designed to motivate employees to be physically active, eat properly, undertake stress management and preventive care. In 2023, further editions of the MiLOVE activities with Bison were implemented. One in spring, the other in autumn. Both were aimed at combining outdoor movement with activities for the benefit of others. In both, we encouraged activity from both the “on wheels” and “on foot” categories, so both running, walking and cycling were welcome. The events were very popular. During these campaigns, the “virtual” miles collected by employees were used for a good cause. Thanks to the involvement of more than 1,200 people in each campaign and the more than 363,200 miles they covered, the Bank Pekao Foundation provided financial support to the young scholarship recipients of the Run into the Future Program.

In terms of healthy eating, menus in two calorie versions and recipes for dishes in healthier versions were systematically published, along with information on how to adapt a given menu or recipe in case of allergies or other lifestyle diseases. In addition, a webinar was held on whether, what and how the diet of men and women should differ, and articles were published on interesting facts and dietary news, such as immunity, supplementation, and the role of collagen. In addition, employees who share feedback on the proposed activities as part of the pro-health audit (which has already become a permanent part of the pro-health calendar) were offered an e-book, which is a compendium of knowledge on the pursuit of normal body weight – what it should be, how to calculate it and how to achieve it.

In mental health issues, meanwhile, the ABCs of mental well-being program was implemented, in which we touched on the skills of resting, managing time so as not to rush, strengthening one’s willpower and dealing with what is beyond one’s control. In addition, meetings were held to optimize work and family tasks and provide information on neuroplasticity and tips on how to take care of your brain. The topic of caring for brain fitness was also covered during the open lecture held at the Training Centre’s opening event. The event also featured a lecture on caring for mental well-being. For managers, on the other hand, we offered a meeting on how to take care of yourself so that you can support others. Also permanently available is the possibility of a one-on-one conversation with a psychologist, both bank and medical provider specialists, which, thanks to special codes, allows the service to be provided anonymously and free of charge.

The above activities were complemented by two series of meetings in line with the prevention campaign. One was conducted with an insomnia therapist, who told employees about the role sleep plays in recovery and regeneration, what our sleep should look like, what affects it and how to take care of it. For the second one, we invited doctors with different specialties (decided by the employees themselves). The goal of those meetings was to make employees aware of the possible first signs of various medical conditions and to encourage further diagnostics if identified. As part of these events, employees had the opportunity to meet with doctors with specialties such as a hepatologist, urologist, gynecologist, physiotherapist, nephrologist, urogynecological physiotherapist, neurologist or speech therapist.

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