Annual Report 2023

Climate and environment

Pekao Group carbon footprint calculation

GRI[ ]
  • 3-3

In 2023, the Bank calculated the Pekao Group’s greenhouse gas emissions in accordance with the GHG Protocol methodology. Calculations concerned Scope 1, i.e., direct emissions generated at facilities owned or supervised by the Group, and Scope 2, i.e. indirect emissions from purchased electricity, steam, heat and cooling from third-party suppliers. The calculation of emissions in the value chain (GHG Protocol Scope 3) is planned to be carried out in 2024. In the coming years, the Bank intends to continue with emission reduction activities – the goal by 2024 is to reduce its own emissions compared to 2020, including by rationalizing business travel, environmental improvements at the Bank’s locations (reducing face-to-face visits to customers in favor of remote contact, gradually replacing the vehicle fleet with models that emit less exhaust fumes into the atmosphere; changing the heating method of its facilities, optimizing processes to use less paper). The Bank monitors the consumption of raw materials and materials and conducts activities to promote less waste. It also plans to engage in offset activities in the future.

  • 305-1
Category of emission source [t CO2e] PEKAO GROUP BANK Companies
2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022
Gasoline 5,107 5,420 4,284 4,229 823 1,191
Diesel oil 275 243 178 165 97 78
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 18 6 0 0 18 6
TOTAL 5,400 5,668 4,462 4,394 939 1,275
% WITHIN SCOPE 1 67% 64% 62% 58% 100% 0%
Natural gas for central heating and hot water 2,235 2,419 2,233 2,412 2 7
Heating oil for central heating and hot water 415 555 415 555 0 0
Diesel for emergency power supply 0 1 0 1 0 0
Refilling of refrigerants in own installations 70 155 70 155 0 0
TOTAL 2,720 3,129 2,718 3,122 2 7
% WITHIN SCOPE 1 33% 36% 38% 42% 10% 13%
TOTAL SCOPE 1 8,121 8,797 7,180 7,515 941 1,282
% TOTAL SCOPE 1+2 19% 19% 18% 18% 42% 50%

Revision of GRI 305-1 Direct Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 1) presented in the Statement of Non-Financial Information of the Bank Pekao S.A. Group for 2022.

In the Statement of Non-Financial Information of the Bank Pekao S.A. Group for 2022, an incorrect value of gasoline and diesel consumption for the Pekao Group and Companies for 2022 was disclosed in error. The value presented in the disclosure was, respectively: 5,321 t CO2E and 232 t CO2E for the Pekao S.A. Group and 1,092 t CO2E and 67 t CO2E for the Companies, while the correct values should be 5,420 t CO2E and 243 t CO2E for the Pekao S.A. Group and 1,091 t CO2E and 78 t CO2E for the Companies.

The following table shows the correct values for 2022

2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
Gasoline 5,419 4,211 4,229 3,586 1,190 625
Diesel oil 243 360 165 270 78 90
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) 6 1 0 0 6 1
TOTAL 5,667 4,572 4,394 3,856 1,274 715
% WITHIN SCOPE 1 64% 56% 58% 52% 99% 99%
Natural gas for central heating and hot water 2,419 2,760 2,412 2,751 7 9
Heating oil for central heating and hot water 555 672 555 672 0 0
Diesel for emergency power supply 1 0 1 0 0 0
Refilling of refrigerants in own installations 155 101 155 101 0 0
TOTAL 3,129 3,533 3,122 3,524 7 9
% WITHIN SCOPE 1 36% 44% 42% 48% 13% 1%
TOTAL SCOPE 1  8,796 8,104 7,515 7,380 1,281 724
% TOTAL SCOPE 1+2 19% 11% 18% 11% 50% 32%
  • 305-2
2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022
Total electricity consumption for the property (*) 14,094 13,313 13,249 12,503 845 810
Total electricity consumption to power vehicles 7 2 7 2 0 0
Total consumption of thermal energy 18,727 22,389 18,440 22,081 287 309
Remote work 608 547 478 384 130 163
Refilling of fuel used for emergency power supply of the generator 0 19 0 19 0 0
Refilling of refrigerants in rented facilities 93 62 63 56 31 6
TOTAL SCOPE 2 33,529 36,332 32,236 35,044 1,293 1,289
% TOTAL SCOPE 1+2 81% 81% 82% 82% 58% 50%
TOTAL SCOPE 1+2 41,650 45,129 39,416 42,560 2,234 2,571
(*) According to the location-based method, the average rate for Poland was used as the indicator of greenhouse gas emissions associated with the generation of a unit of electricity.

Revision of GRI 305-2 Indirect Greenhouse Gas Emissions (Scope 2) presented in the Statement of Non-Financial Information of the Bank Pekao S.A. Group for 2022.

In the Statement of Non-Financial Information of the Bank Pekao S.A. Group for 2022, an incorrect value of the total consumption of electricity for real estate and thermal energy for the Pekao Group, Bank Pekao and the Companies was disclosed in error. The value presented in the disclosure was as follows, respectively 13,188 t CO2E and 24,951 t CO2E for the Pekao Group, 12,503 t CO2E and 24,654 t CO2E for the Bank, 685 t CO2E and 297 t CO2E for the Companies, while the correct values should be 13,313 t CO2E and 22,389 t CO2E for the Pekao S.A. Group, 12,503 t CO2E and 22,081 t CO2E for Bank Pekao S.A. and 810 t CO2E and 309 t CO2E for the Companies. The following table shows the correct values for indirect greenhouse gas emissions ( Scope 2) for 2022.

2022 2021 2022 2021 2022 2021
Total electricity consumption for the property (*) 13,313 35,750 12,503 34,853 810 898
Total electricity consumption to power vehicles 2 0 2 0 0 0
Total consumption of thermal energy 22,389 27,407 22,081 27,024 309 384
Remote work 547 766 384 534 163 232
Refilling of fuel used for emergency power supply of the generator 19 1 19 1 0 0
Refilling of refrigerants in rented facilities 62 229 56 223 6 6
TOTAL SCOPE 2 36,332 64,153 35,044 62,634 1,289 1,520
% TOTAL SCOPE 1+2 81% 89% 82% 89% 50% 68%
TOTAL SCOPE 1+2 45,128 72,257 42,560 70,014 2,570 2,244
(* ) According to the location-based method, the average rate for Poland was used as the indicator of greenhouse gas emissions associated with the generation of a unit of electricity.

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