Annual Report 2023

Bank in 2023

Awards and distinctions

The activities of Bank Pekao S.A. gained wide recognition by clients, industry specialists, the market and the media, as evidenced by numerous awards and distinctions granted by Polish and foreign institutions. Measures aimed at providing customers with the highest quality products and services, innovation of the proposed solutions have been appreciated. Bank Pekao S.A. received a number of awards and distinctions in 2023.

The most relevant honors are presented below:

2023 EU-Wide Stress Test Results

In this year’s edition of pan-European stress tests conducted by the European Banking Authority (EBA), we turned out to be the most resistant bank in Europe to negative macroeconomic scenarios, out of 70 entities covered by the study. It was one of only two banks on the list that did not record a decline in capital ratios in the extreme scenario. The strength of the balance sheet and extraordinary resilience of Bank Pekao was confirmed by the latest EBA stress test, in which Pekao turned out to be the safest bank in Europe.

Bank of the Year 2023 in Poland

An international group of experts appreciated the Bank’s strategic approach to conducting business, as well as the solutions introduced in the field of digitalization, such as, among others: Omnibank CRM.

Top Employer

We have received the title of Top Employer for the fourteenth time, and we are strengthening our position as one of the best employers in the country. Thanks to our human resources policy and constantly improved HR practices, we create an inspiring, friendly working environment for our employees and an attractive offer for candidates.


The Best Investment Bank

For the seventh time, we have won the title of the best investment bank in Poland „The Best Investment Bank in Poland for 2023”

The Best bank in Poland in terms of Sustainable financing and a leader in the Central and Eastern European region in financing sustainable infrastructure

We were recognized as the best bank in terms of sustainable financing. For the first time, we received the title of leader in the Central and Eastern Europe region in financing sustainable infrastructure as part of „Outstanding Leadership in Sustainable Infrastructure Finance”. Our activities in financing initiatives and bond issue programs aimed at the country’s energy transformation, mitigating the negative effects of climate change, supporting local communities and developing sustainable infrastructure projects were appreciated.

Treasury and Cash Management Provider

Awarded again in the Treasury and Cash Management Provider category.In order to select the best treasury and cash management service providers, the following criteria were taken into account: efficiency, market share, quality of customer service, competitive prices, product innovation and the extent to which service providers have effectively differentiated themselves from their competitors.

The Best Trade Finance Provider in Poland

For the fifth time, we have received distinction for handling trade financing transactions. Our knowledge of local economic conditions, customer needs and innovation in products and services were appreciated.

The best trust bank

For the eleventh time in history and for the sixth time in a row, we received the „Best Sub-custodian Bank in Poland for 2023” award. Since 2012, we have been a leader in custody services on the Polish market. The quality of relationships with foreign institutional clients and the level of their service, market knowledge, price offers, IT systems and operational activities in the field of settlement of securities transactions were appreciated.

Treasury Securities Dealer

We took third place in the annual ranking of Treasury Securities Dealers, which assesses the activity of domestic and foreign banks in the primary and secondary market of State Treasury bonds and the quality of cooperation with the Ministry of Finance.

Bank of the Year 2023 on the commercial real estate market in Central and Eastern Europe

Bank Pekao SA was the winner of the CEE Retail Real Estate Award competition in the „Bank of the Year” category. The CEE Retail Real Estate Awards competition is organized every year by EuropaProperty to emphasize the importance of the commercial real estate market in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The awards are given for achievements in the commercial real estate sector.

Market Leader in Poland oraz Best Services in Poland

For the second year in a row, the Bank was awarded twice for trade finance services in a competition organized by the renowned international magazine Euromoney. In this year’s Best Trade Finance Survey ranking, Bank Pekao was recognized as the market leader in Poland, winning the title of Market Leader in Poland 2023 and ahead of the competition in the Best Services in Poland 2023 category.

The best bank in the Commercial Bank category

For the fourth time in a row, we were awarded the title of the Best Bank in the Commercial Bank category in the plebiscite organized by Gazeta Bankowa. The competition selected the best banks based on financial and non-financial data, such as ESG, customer experience or marketing. We also received a distinction in TechnoBiznes 2023 in the Banking category for Omnibank CRM – the first real-time banking marketing in the cloud.


Institution of the Year

In the Institution of the Year ranking organized by Moje Bankowanie, we took first place in two categories, and we took leading top places in five further categories.

  • Best Online Banking and Best Mobile Application. We achieved the highest rate of available functionalities in both channels and the highest ratings from users of the mobile application.
  • The best service in the facility – 3rd place. Bank branches competed for individual awards throughout the year. Individual awards and the title of the Best Bank Branch in Poland were awarded to as many as 25 branches of the Bank.

We have also received awards, including: in the categories: Best remote account opening process (2nd place), Best personal banking (2nd place), Best private banking (3rd place) and Best bank for companies (4th place).

Złoty Laur Konsumenta 2023

Customers once again appreciated the possibilities of remote service in electronic banking on the Pekao24 Internet service and the PeoPay application, which enable the use of an online bank without leaving home.

Złoty Bankier competition

The best Personal account:
Konto Przekorzystne,
Konto dla dzieci

Our attractive price offer, account services, convenient and comprehensive electronic banking and implemented new products were appreciated.

Quality International

Two Golden Emblems for Private Banking UNIQUE credit card and Family Office – a product and service of the highest quality.

Analyst Ranking on the Brokerage Market

Biuro Maklerskie Pekao won in the ranking of PARKIET analysts. Our experts took the first three places in the individual category. 56 management teams from TFI, OFE, but also FIZ and Family Office took part in this year’s vote for the best analyst and analytical team.


Company Friendly Bank

Third place in the ranking of Forbes magazine „Firm-Friendly Bank” for the quality of service for entrepreneurs. In this year’s ranking, the priority was to examine how much the entrepreneur feels the bank’s support when he comes to the branch. The assessment was given in four categories: service quality, customer acquisition, remote contact channels and features of bank branches with an emphasis on the safety of direct contact.

Marka Godna Zaufania

In the eighth edition of the Trustworthy Brand survey – an initiative of the publisher of the „My Company Polska” monthly in cooperation with the Kantar Polska Research Institute, we became the winner of the Marka Godna Zaufania ranking in the „Financial injection, i.e. a bank that offers the best loans for companies” category.

Best Online Banking for SMEs 2023

PekaoBiznes24 – online banking for enterprises – was recognized as the best in Central and Eastern Europe in the ranking organized by the SME Banking Club association. PekaoBiznes24 has overtaken the online systems of as many as 34 other banks from the Central and Eastern European region that serve companies from the SME sector. In addition, we took second place in the „Best Digital SME Lending 2023” category, i.e. the best online lending for SMEs.


Pearl of Polish Leasing

Pekao Leasing received a distinction in the Pearls of Polish Leasing 2023 plebiscite for an individual approach to customer needs and skilful use of the latest technologies that translate into effective service.

Pekao Leasing receives the „Teraz Polska” emblem

Pekao Leasing was awarded for leasing services and modern solutions guaranteeing the highest quality of customer after-sales service.

Pekao TFI honored with the prestigious „Bulls and Bears” award in the „TFI of the Year” category awarded by the Stock Exchange and Investors Gazeta „Parkiet”

The main selection criterion for the best TFI were the high rates of return of funds managed by Pekao TFI, which were ranked at the top in individual categories.

Pekao Direct Sp. z o. o. – The winner of the international competition International Business Excellence Awards

Pekao Direct won two awards in the international competition International Business Excellence Awards™ 2023. In the „Best Customer Service” and „Best Learning and Development” categories, the jury awarded an innovative approach to the customer and employee.

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