Annual Report 2023

Bank in 2023

Leasing activity

Pekao Leasing Sp. z o.o. – Pekao Leasing

Pekao Leasing provides financial services supporting purchases and sale of fixed assets, i.e. vehicles, plant and equipment, and office space, both in the form of operating and finance leases.

The company cooperates with Bank Pekao S.A. in the scope of leasing sales to customers who are also the Bank’s customers. Pekao Leasing, under agreements with the European Investment Bank, offers financing for small and medium-sized enterprises on preferential terms. The company also cooperates with BGK S.A. offering financing for vehicles, machinery and equipment with a BGK guarantee.

In 2023, the Company concluded 19 thousand new contracts. With the Polish leasing market growing by 16%, the value of assets leased by Pekao Leasing was 25% higher than in 2022 and amounted to PLN 7 billion, including: 56% – means of transport, 41% – machinery and equipment, 1% – real estate, 1% – other.

concluded new contracts

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