Annual Report 2023

Bank in 2023

Dividend payment history

In 2023, the Bank paid dividend for 2022 in the amount of PLN 5.42 per share. Dividend yield was 4.9%. In the years 2009- 2023, the Bank regularly paid dividends, except for the distribution of profit for 2019, when due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Polish Financial Supervision Authority recommended the Bank not to pay dividends. The total value of dividends paid for the years 2009-2022 amounted to over PLN 23 billion, making the Bank one of the Polish companies with the highest level of dividends paid in recent years.

The dividend payments from 2009 to 2022 are presented below:

2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022
Dividend for the year (in PLN million) 761 1,785 1,412 2,202 2,614 2,625 2,283 2,278 2,074 1,732 843 1,129 1,423
Dividend per 1 share (in PLN) 2.90 6.80 5.38 8.39 9.96 10.00 8.70 8.68 7.90 6.60 3.21 4.30 5.42
Note: Dividend presented in the year in which the profit intended for dividend payment was generated

In line with the Bank’s strategy for 2021-2024, Bank Pekao intends to allocate 50-75% of its net profit to dividend payments. The final decision on the distribution of the profit for 2023 and its allocation to the payment of dividends will be made by the General Meeting of Shareholders.

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