The main causes of complaints include systemic irregularities, unclear contractual provisions, incorrect operations at the Bank’s ATMs or incomprehensible rules of bank promotions. The Bank carefully analyzes each complaint and in the case of irregularities takes appropriate remedial actions.
Complaint process

Own indicator
Pekao Group companies are systematically improving procedures and taking the necessary measures to respond to customer complaints promptly and handle them in a manner that takes maximum account of customers’ legitimate interests. Complaints are handled in a reliable and objective manner, taking into account all information and documents related to the problem reported by the Customer and in accordance with the provisions of law and concluded agreements. The main regulation in this regard is the Order Process of handling customer complaints of Bank Polska Kasa Opieki Spółka Akcyjna. Pekao Group companies handle complaints in-house on the basis of implemented and executed procedures for receiving and handling customer complaints. These procedures have been defined in the form of internal regulations, included in the rules and regulations and contracts concluded with customers, or result from generally applicable laws.

As part of the structure responsible for handling complaints, a special unit has been set up to optimize complaints processes:
- proactive implementation of changes and improvements to the process and tools for managing and processing complaints,
- strengthening of analytical and optimization activities in the complaint management unit and other Bank units,
- updating and implementing necessary changes to internal regulations, including rules and regulations for customers, regarding the handling and management of complaints at the Bank.
The Bank’s units responsible for macro operational and product processes in quarterly cycles receive reports with summaries of the actions taken during the period and workshops to prevent complaints. Experts from the Complaints Management Department mandatorily participate in the review of the Bank’s internal regulations for implemented products and processes. This is intended to safeguard and mitigate the risk of complaints even before the product or service is implemented.
In 2022, the Bank continued its integrated customer satisfaction and loyalty survey program, which covered key processes and points of contact. The complaint process is included in this group.
The following elements are subject to examination:
- the effort the customer puts into the complaint process,
- satisfaction with the service channels,
- evaluation of the branch and hotline employee,
- waiting time for processing of complaints,
- legibility and clarity of the response received.
According to a survey conducted in Q2 2022, nearly 75% of customers who file a complaint through a branch or hotline rate the employee well. Compared to Q1 2022, satisfaction with the easy-to-understand way of providing information when filing a complaint has increased.
The results of the surveys are used to systematically improve the Bank’s services.
The Bank’s Management Board receives analyses of customer complaints at least once a year. The last material was submitted in February 2022 and included information and data for 2021.
The main aim of the Bank’s complaint handling and management process is to:
- inform existing and potential customers in a transparent way about procedures for filing complaints as well as terms and conditions and time limits applicable to complaint handling,
- review complaints in an unbiased, diligent, objective, and timely manner,
- take improvement or remedial actions if any irregularities resulting in the complaint having been filed by the customer are identified.
Systematic analysis of complaints makes it possible to take appropriate measures to improve the processes and procedures applied at Bank Pekao or their elements, in order to:
- take action to eliminate irregularities,
- improve processes that generate customer complaints – including unfounded complaints
Own indicators regarding the claims process in 2022:
- 136.4 thousand complaints were registered (a year-on-year increase of 33.6 thousand – 32.7%), of which 8 thousand were submissions relating to Idea Bank acquired on 3.01.2021.
- The average complaint processing time was 21.9 days.
- 98.9% of the complaints were processed according to the deadlines set by regulators and lawmakers.
- 53% of the submissions were fully or partially acknowledged in favor of the customer.
- The total amount of complaints was PLN 247.5 million, of which recognitions in favor of customers totaled PLN 28.5 million – 2.8 million were deductions from income or expenses. The remaining amount was recovered through the complaints process.
- Number of interventions: Financial Ombudsman – 524, Bank Arbitrator – 53, PFSA – 58, Consumer Ombudsman – 40, Office of Competition and Consumer Protection – 1.