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Więcej szczegółów w zakładce Polityka Prywatności

Report 2022

V. Consolidated cash flow statement

NOTE 2022 2021
Cash flow from operating activities – indirect method
Profit before income tax 2 882 538 3 001 620
Adjustments for: 15 596 417 -2 151 049
Depreciation and amortization 14 616 040 648 218
Share in gains (losses) from associates 15 -5 016 -1 840
(Gains) losses on investing activities -78 740 -68 959
Net interest income 7 -8 243 837 -5 660 761
Dividend income 9 -27 874 -26 662
Interest received 10 399 732 5 698 049
Interest paid -2 441 265 -264 018
Income tax paid -759 195 -793 712
Change in loans and advances to banks -121 840 -222 954
Change in derivative financial instruments (assets) -7 160 377 -3 107 264
Change in loans and advances to customers (in this receivables from financial leases) 1 064 941 -4 529 622
Change in securities(including assets pledged as security for liabilities) -298 930 1 634 611
Change in other assets -2 861 179 -2 745 430
Change in amounts due to banks -536 111 225 217
Change in financial liabilities held for trading 234 858 -103 071
Change in derivative financial instruments (liabilities) 7 552 146 3 187 751
Change in amounts due to customers 15 340 553 3 448 875
Change in debt securities issued -369 178 -5 201
Change in subordinated liabilities 27 658 3 598
Payments for short-term leases and leases of low-value assets -2 172 -2 410
Change in provisions 519 046 -109 485
Change in other liabilities 2 747 157 644 021
Net cash flows from operating activities 18 478 955 850 571
Cash flow from investing activities
Investing activity inflows 152 941 079 232 768 229
Subsidy received for taking over the part of the activities of Idea Bank S.A. . including purchased cash 1 453 843
Sale of subsidiaries 18 579
Sale of securities measured at amortized cost and at fair value through other comprehensive income 152 802 947 231 141 720
Sale of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 28, 29 110 258 127 425
Dividend received 9 27 874 26 662
Investing activity outflows -166 101 586 -229 424 306
Acquisition of associates 27 -42 193
Acquisition of securities measured at amortised cost and at fair value through other comprehensive income -165 586 150 -228 636 970
Acquisition of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 28, 29 -515 436 -745 143
Net cash flows from investing activities -13 160 507 3 343 923
NOTE 2022 2021
Cash flows from financing activities
Financing activity inflows 10 654 987 3 116 386
Due to loans and advances received from banks 44 1 780 899 62 444
Issue of debt securities 44 8 874 088 3 053 942
Financing activity outflows -6 015 675 -6 580 603
Repayment of loans and advances received from banks 44 -1 238 846 -1 787 970
Redemption of debt securities 44 -3 532 606 -3 836 430
Dividends and other payments to shareholders 18 -1 128 621 -842 529
Payments for the principal portion of the lease liabilities 44 -115 602 -113 674
Net cash flows from financing activities 4 639 312 -3 464 217
Total net cash flows 9 957 760 730 277
including effect of exchange rate fluctuations on cash and cash equivalents held 92 964 20 131
Net change in cash and cash equivalents 9 957 760 730 277
Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 7 735 625 7 005 348
Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 44 17 693 385 7 735 625


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