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Więcej szczegółów w zakładce Polityka Prywatności

Report 2022

III. Consolidated statement of financial position

NOTE 31.12.2022 31.12.2021
Cash and due from Central Bank 19 13 436 334 4 696 620
Loans and advances to banks 20 4 678 613 3 328 087
Derivative financial instruments (held for trading) 21 15 088 916 7 928 539
Hedging instruments 22 279 589 78 216
Loans and advances to customers (including receivables from finance leases) 23 158 720 990 159 228 756
Securities 24 80 317 445 67 320 567
Assets pledged as security for liabilities 25 929 526 846 097
Assets held for sale 26 12 382 12 744
Investments in associates 27 48 476 44 035
Intangible assets 28 2 253 287 2 300 382
Property, plant and equipment 29 1 572 093 1 830 231
Income tax assets 1 849 574 1 865 347
1. Current tax assets 271 047 216 539
2. Deferred tax assets 16 1 578 527 1 648 808
Other assets 30 1 951 807 1 086 984
TOTAL ASSETS 281 139 032 250 566 605
Amounts due to Central Bank
Amounts due to other banks 31 8 594 396 8 575 469
Financial liabilities held for trading 32 874 591 639 733
Derivative financial instruments (held for trading) 21 15 521 489 7 969 343
Amounts due to customers 33 210 747 090 195 161 943
Hedging instruments 22 3 176 413 2 221 732
Debt securities issued 34 10 337 485 5 355 355
Subordinated liabilities 35 2 789 132 2 761 474
Income tax liabilities 26 826 29 871
1. Current tax liabilities 4 001 4 966
2. Deferred tax liabilities 16 22 825 24 905
Provisions 36 1 402 154 883 108
Other liabilities 38 4 894 444 3 105 291
TOTAL LIABILITIES 258 364 020 226 703 319
Share capital 42 262 470 262 470
Other capital and reserves 42 18 978 222 19 554 958
Retained earnings and net profit for the period 42 3 522 191 4 034 001
Total equity attributable to equity holders of the Bank 22 762 883 23 851 429
Non-controlling interests 43 12 129 11 857
TOTAL EQUITY 22 775 012 23 863 286
TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY 281 139 032 250 566 605

Notes to the financial statements presented on pages 11 – 163 constitute an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.

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