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Więcej szczegółów w zakładce Polityka Prywatności

Report 2022

II. Consolidated statement of comprehensive income

NOTE 2022 2021
Net profit / loss 1 719 491 2 176 558
Other comprehensive income
Item that are or may be reclassified subsequently to profit or loss:
Impact of revaluation of debt financial instruments and loan measured at fair value through other comprehensive income (net): -637 915 -1 273 417
Profit or loss on fair value measurement -618 136 -1 245 039
Profit or loss reclassification to income statement after derecognition -19 779 -28 378
Impact of revaluation of derivative instruments hedging cash flows (net) 22 -983 264 -1 736 277
Items that will never be reclassified to profit or loss:
Impact of revaluation of investments in equity instruments designated at fair value through other comprehensive income (net) -47 835 6 802
Remeasurements of the defined benefit liabilities (net) -8 151 38 710
Other comprehensive income (net of tax) -1 677 165 -2 964 182
Total comprehensive income 42 326 -787 624
1. Attributable to equity holders of the Bank 40 393 -789 322
2. Attributable to non-controlling interests 1 933 1 698

Notes to the financial statements presented on pages 11 – 163 constitute an integral part of the consolidated financial statements.

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