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Więcej szczegółów w zakładce Polityka Prywatności

Report 2022


IFRS – International Financial Reporting Standards – the standards, interpretations and their structure adopted by the International Accounting Standards Board (IASB).

IAS – International Accounting Standards – previous name of the standards forming part of the current IFRS.

IFRIC – International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee – the committee operating under the International Accounting Standards Board publishing interpretations of IFRS.

CIRS – Currency Interest Rate Swap – the transaction exchange of principal amounts and interest payments in different currencies between two counterparties.

IRS – Interest Rate Swap – the agreement between two counterparties, under which the counterparties pay each other (at specified intervals during the contract life) interest on contractual principal of the contract, charged at a different interest rate.

FRA – Forward Rate Agreement – the contract under which two counterparties fix the interest rate that will apply in the future for a specified amount expressed in currency of the transaction for a predetermined period.

CAP – the financial agreement, which limits the risk borne by lender on a variable interest rate, exposed to the potential loss as a result of increase in interest rates. Cap option is a series of call options on interest rates, in which the issuer guarantees the buyer the compensation of the additional interest costs, that the buyer must pay if the interest rate on loan increases above the fixed interest rate.

FLOOR –the financial agreement, which limits the risk of incurring losses resulting from decrease in interest rates by the lender providing the loan at a variable interest rate. Floor option is a series of put options on interest rates, in which the issuer guarantees the interest to be paid on the loan if the interest rate on the loan decreases below the fixed interest rate.

PD – Probability Default – the parameter used in Internal Ratings-Based Approach which determines the likelihood that the debtor will be unable to meet its obligation. PD is a financial term describing the likelihood of a default over an one year time horizon.

LGD – Loss Given Default – the percentage of loss over the total exposure when bank’s counterparty goes to default.

EAD – Exposure at Default.

EL – Expected Loss.

Life-time ECL – Lifetime Expected Credit Loss.

CCF – Credit Conversion Factor.

VaR – Value at Risk – the risk measure by which the market value of an asset or portfolio may be reduced for a given assumptions, probability and time horizon.

ICAAP – Internal Capital Adequacy Assessment Process – the process of assessing internal capital adequacy.

FVH – fair value hedge accounting.

CFH – cash flow hedge accounting.

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