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Więcej szczegółów w zakładce Polityka Prywatności

Report 2022

8. Fee and commission income and expense

Significant accounting policies

Fee and commission income is generated from financial services provided by the Group. Fee and commision income and expense directly attributable to financial asset or financial liability origination are accounted for using the effective interest rate and recognized in the profit and loss account under the item of interest income or expense and have been described above.

In a situation where income and expense relate to fees and commissions related to loans and advances without a defined repayment schedule and undetermined changes in interest rates, e.g. overdrafts facilities and credit card loans, they are amortized using the straight-line method over the life of the product to which they relate.

In the case of other fees and commissions related to financial services offered by the Group, a five-stage revenue recognition model is applied, i.e.:

  1. Identyfying the contract,
  2. Indication of the elements (individual obligations) contained in the contract,
  3. Determinig the price,
  4. Allocating the price to individual element of the contract,
  5. Recognition of revenue after meeting the conditions related to individual elements of the contract.

The Group applies the above model each time and recognizes income from commissions and fees either once (when a service has been performed and control over the service has been transferred to the other party to the contract), or it is recognized in the income statement over a specified period in accordance with how a given service is provided.

The above settlement model is used primarily for services such as: execution of banking operations on accounts, payment card operations, brokerage, factoring and acquisition activities as well as margins on foreign currency exchange transactions with the Bank’s clients.

Financial data

Fee and commission income

2022 2021
Accounts maintenance, payment orders and cash transactions 711 769 732 513
Payment cards 748 736 603 373
Loans and advances 459 441 429 915
Margin on foreign exchange transactions with clients 742 744 596 411
Service and sell investment and insurance products 377 442 464 339
Securities operations 128 895 152 281
Custody activity 69 228 70 079
Guarantees, letters of credit and similar transactions 89 382 79 177
Other 111 365 101 909
Total 3 439 002  3 229 997 

Fee and commission expense

2022 2021
Payment cards -434 577 -354 957
Money orders and transfers -27 051 -22 377
Securities and derivatives operations -57 548 -50 627
Acquisition services -47 883 -54 543
Custody activity -22 382 -24 740
Accounts maintenance -5 913 -5 013
Investment funds management -2 723 -1 369
Other -33 750 -28 856
Total -631 827  -542 482 

The tables below show fee and commission income by main business lines

Accounts maintenance, payment orders and cash transactions 346 117 917 157 515 203 893 3 327 711 769
Payment cards 478 957 3 441 215 328 48 080 2 930 748 736
Margin on foreign exchange transactions with clients 230 604 15 919 179 733 313 621 2 867 742 744
Service and sell investment and insurance products 308 595 46 352 20 982 611 902 377 442
Securities operation, including custody activity 7 001 87 993 102 368 727 34 198 123
Other 47 443 479 24 245 31 302 7 896 111 365
Total fee and commission income from contracts with customers in the scope of IFRS 15 1 418 717  155 101  700 171  598 234  17 956  2 890 179 
Loans and advances 94 133 74 216 662 145 753 2 819 459 441
Guarantees, letters of credit and similar transactions 374 1 57 370 31 447 190 89 382
Total fee and commission income as presented in the Operating Segment Note 6  1 513 224  155 176  974 203  775 434  20 965  3 439 002 
Total fee and commission expenses (*) -432 169 -15 237 -261 148 -48 402 125 129 -631 827
Net fee and commission income 1 081 055  139 939  713 055  727 032  146 094  2 807 175 
(*) the positive costs of the ‘Asset and Liability Management’ Division result from the adopted model of allocation of costs related to cash turnover.
Accounts maintenance, payment orders and cash transactions 384 380 1 403 131 774 207 874 7 082 732 513
Payment cards 381 043 3 000 179 143 39 999 188 603 373
Margin on foreign exchange transactions with clients 184 471 11 285 140 131 254 827 5 697 596 411
Service and sell investment and insurance products 299 829 129 004 33 856 791 859 464 339
Securities operation, including custody activity 8 705 85 983 122 932 4 733 7 222 360
Other 19 361 509 72 757 6 083 3 199 101 909
Total fee and commission income from contracts with customers in the scope of IFRS 15 1 277 789  231 184  680 593  514 307  17 032  2 720 905 
Loans and advances 121 008 193 165 327 138 193 5 194 429 915
Guarantees, letters of credit and similar transactions 138 4 53 074 25 621 340 79 177
Total fee and commission income as presented in the Operating Segment Note 6  1 398 935  231 381  898 994  678 121  22 566  3 229 997 
Total fee and commission expenses (*) -345 897 -48 212 -228 940 -25 606 106 173 -542 482
Net fee and commission income 1 053 038  183 169  670 054  652 515  128 739  2 687 515 
(*) the positive costs of the ‘Asset and Liability Management’ Division result from the adopted model of allocation of costs related to cash turnover.

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