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Więcej szczegółów w zakładce Polityka Prywatności

Report 2022

30. Other assets

Significant accounting policies

Financial assets included in item ‘Other assets’ are measured at the amounts due, which also comprises any potential interest on such assets, taking into consideration provisions for expected credit losses. Non-financial assets are measured in accordance with the valuation principles applicable to specific categories of assets recognized in this item.

Prepaid expenses represent expenditures, which will be amortized against income statement in the forthcoming reporting periods.

Financial data

31.12.2022 31.12.2021
Prepaid expenses 109 985 51 826
Accrued income 177 854 177 555
Interbank and interbranch settlements 13 641 16 130
Other debtors 550 462 258 975
Card settlements 1 099 865 582 498
Total 1 951 807 1 086 984

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