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Więcej szczegółów w zakładce Polityka Prywatności

Report 2022

19. Cash and balances with Central Bank

Significant accounting policies

Principles of classification and measurement are described in Note 5.4.

Financial data

Cash and due from Central Bank

31.12.2022 31.12.2021
Cash 4 316 728 3 699 683
Current account at Central Bank 7 935 484 996 945
Deposits 1 191 833
Other 110 67
Gross carrying amount 13 444 155 4 696 695
Impairment allowances (7 821) (75)
Net carrying amount 13 436 334 4 696 620

The currency structure for the Cash and due from Central Bank item is presented in Note 46.4 in the section on currency risk.

Bank is required to held on current account in the Central Bank the average monthly balance comply with the mandatory reserve declaration.

As at 31 December 2022 the interest rate of funds held on the mandatory reserve account is at 6.75 % (as at 31 December 2021 – 1.75%).

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