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Więcej szczegółów w zakładce Polityka Prywatności

Report 2022

13. Other operating income and expenses

Significant accounting policies

Other operating income includes mainly revenues from received compensations, revenues from operating leases, recovery of debt collection costs and miscellaneous revenues. Other operating expenses include mainly the costs of provision for legal claims, cost of provisions for current and future legal risk related to foreign currency mortgage loans in CHF, debt collection costs, impairment allowance on fixed assets, client claims, compensation paid and miscellaneous expenses.

Financial data

Other operating income

2022 2021
Gains on disposal of property, plant and equipment 52 806 36 678
Premises rental income, terminals and IT equipment 22 168 20 960
Operating leasing net income (*) 3 424 2 961
Compensation, recoveries, penalty fees and fines received 14 551 17 812
Miscellaneous income 9 451 14 426
Recovery of debt collection costs 16 154 11 967
Net revenues from sale of products, goods and services 6 399 5 211
Other 12 051 11 531
Total 137 004  121 546 
(*) The item also includes the provision for commission reimbursements in case of previously repaid consumer loans repaid before the CJEU judgment and the provision for refunds of commissions on prepaid mortgage loans (Note 36).

(*) Operating leasing net income

2022 2021
Income from operating leases 10 410 10 744
Costs of depreciation of fixed assets provided under operating leases -6 986 -7 783
Total 3 424  2 961 
(*) The item also includes the provision for commission reimbursements in case of previously repaid consumer loans repaid before the CJEU judgment and the provision for refunds of commissions on prepaid mortgage loans (Note 36).

Other operating expenses

2022 2021
Provision for liabilities disputable and other provisions (*) -159 475 -17 612
Provision for legal risk regarding foreign currency mortgage loans -351 516 -39 743
Credit and factoring debt collection costs -27 359 -18 994
Loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets -839 -4 384
Card transactions monitoring costs -19 639 -11 787
Sundry expenses -6 965 -5 082
Costs of litigation and claims -15 558 -4 657
Impairment allowance on fixed assets, litigations and other assets -47 951 -18 299
Compensation, penalty fees and fines -2 090 -2 164
Other -10 234 -15 024
Total -641 626  -137 746 
(*) The item also includes the provision for commission reimbursements in case of previously repaid consumer loans repaid before the CJEU judgment and the provision for refunds of commissions on prepaid mortgage loans (Note 36).

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