- President of the Management Board of the Bank Mr. Leszek Skiba convenes and chairs the meetings of the Management Board of the Bank, presents the position of the Management Board of the Bank to the Bank’s bodies and in external relations, in particular to public authorities. President of the Management Board of the Bank coordinates the work of Members of the Management Board of the Bank, issues dispositions in accordance with the provisions laid down in internal regulations in force at the Bank. President of the Management Board of the Bank oversees the following areas of the Bank’s operations: internal audit, compliance risk, corporate communications, investor relations, security, legal risk, strategic projects, human resources management, and macroeconomic analysis and digital transformation. President of the Management Board of the Bank is appointed as the Member of the Management Board responsible for implementing the obligations set forth in the Law on Prevention of Money Laundering and Financing of Terrorism.
- Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank Marcin Gadomski supervises the activities of the Risk Management Division and is responsible for overseeing the risk management process of the bancassurance business.
- Mr. Paweł Strączyński, Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank, supervises the operations of the Financial Division and was appointed as a Member of the Management Board to whom infringements will be reported and who will be responsible for the on-going functioning of the Whistleblowing procedure.
- Mr. Jerzy Kwieciński, Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank, supervises the operations of the Corporate Banking, Markets and Investment Banking Division.
- Mr. Wojciech Werochowski, Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank, supervises the operations of the Retail Banking Division.
- Mrs. Magdalena Zmitrowicz, Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank, supervises the operations of the Business Banking Division.
- Mr. Jarosław Fuchs, Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank, supervises the operations of the Private Banking and Investment Products Division.
- Mr. Piotr Zborowski, Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank, supervises the operations of the Strategy Division.
- Mr. Błażej Szczecki, Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank, supervises the activities of the Technology and Operations Division and coordinates activities aimed at proper management of the risk related to the security of the ICT environment.
Bank Pekao and entities of the Pekao Group have an organizational structure adapted to the size and specificity of their activities. The scope of powers of the companies’ bodies is defined in the provisions of law, and in particular the Commercial Companies Code, the Banking Law Act, in supervisory recommendations of the supervisory bodies and in the Articles of Association of Bank Pekao, and in the Articles of Association/Partnership of companies and partnerships and internal regulations of entities of the Pekao Group.
General Meeting of Shareholders

Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board exercises continuous supervision over the Bank’s activities. The Supervisory Board consists of between seven and nine members appointed by the General Meeting for a common term of office of 3 years. The organization and operation of the Supervisory Board are defined in the Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board of Bank Polska Kasa Opieki Pekao Spółka Akcyjna.
The composition of the Bank’s Supervisory Board was as follows:
AS OF THE DATE OF THE 2022 REPORT | 31.12.2022 |
Beata Kozłowska-Chyła Chairperson of the Supervisory Board |
Beata Kozłowska-Chyła Chairperson of the Supervisory Board |
Joanna Dynysiuk Vice-Chairperson of the Supervisory Board |
Joanna Dynysiuk Vice-Chairperson of the Supervisory Board |
Małgorzata Sadurska Vice-Chairperson of the Supervisory Board |
Małgorzata Sadurska Vice-Chairperson of the Supervisory Board |
Stanisław Ryszard Kaczoruk Secretary of the Supervisory Board (independent member) |
Stanisław Ryszard Kaczoruk Secretary of the Supervisory Board (independent member) |
Sabina Bigos-Jaworowska Member of the Supervisory Board (independent member) |
Sabina Bigos-Jaworowska Member of the Supervisory Board (independent member) |
Justyna Głębikowska-Michalak Member of the Supervisory Board (independent member) |
Justyna Głębikowska-Michalak Member of the Supervisory Board (independent member) |
Michał Kaszyński Member of the Supervisory Board (independent member) |
Michał Kaszyński Member of the Supervisory Board (independent member) |
Marian Majcher Member of the Supervisory Board (independent member) |
Marian Majcher Member of the Supervisory Board (independent member) |
Marcin Izdebski Member of the Supervisory Board |
Marcin Izdebski Member of the Supervisory Board |
The Supervisory Board performs its collective duties, however, in order to perform specific activities or to streamline the work, it may appoint committees and teams from among its members. In addition, the Supervisory Board may delegate one or more of its members to independently perform supervision within the scope specified thereby. The following Committees operate within the structures of the Supervisory Board of Bank Pekao: Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, and Risk Committee. The committees appointed by the Supervisory Board submit annual reports on their activities to the Supervisory Board.
Management Board of the Bank
Changes in the Bank’s Management Board
The Supervisory Board of the Bank, acting pursuant to the Article 368 § 4 and in connection with the Article 369 § 1 of the Code of Commercial Companies and taking into account the assessment of compliance with the suitability requirements, unanimously appointed on 14 June 2022 members of the Bank’s Management Board for the new three-year joint term of office, effective as of the day following holding of the Ordinary General Meeting approving the financial statements of Bank for the financial year 2021.
The following persons were appointed to the Management Board of the Bank for the next three-year joint term of the office starting on the date indicated above:
- Leszek Skiba for the President of the Bank’s Management Board,
- Marcin Gadomski or the Vice-President of the Bank’s Management Board supervising the risk management significant in the Bank’s operation,
- Jarosław Fuchs for the Vice-President of the Bank’s Management Board,
- Jerzy Kwieciński for the Vice-President of the Bank’s Management Board,
- Paweł Strączyński for the Vice-President of the Bank’s Management Board,
- Błażej Szczecki for the Vice-President of the Bank’s Management Board,
- Wojciech Werochowski for the Vice-President of the Bank’s Management Board,
- Piotr Zborowski for the Vice-President of the Bank’s Management Board,
- Magdalena Zmitrowicz for the Vice-President of the Bank’s Management Board.
As a result of the assessments performed, the Supervisory Board of the Bank concluded that all members of the Bank’s Management Board and the Bank’s Management Board as a whole meet the requirements referred to in Art. 22aa The Act of 29 August 1997 – Banking Law and the suitability requirements referred to in the Policy of selecting candidates for the position of a Management Board member and the Key Function and assessment of the suitability of proposed and appointed members of the management board, supervisory board and key functions at the Bank.
According to the submitted statement, none of the persons appointed to the Management Board of the Bank, do not conduct any business competitive to that of the Bank and they are not involved in a competitive business as a shareholder or partner in a civil law company or partnership or a member of a corporate body of a competitive corporation or legal person. None of these persons is entered in the Register of Insolvent Debtors kept pursuant to the provisions of the KRS (National Court Register) Act of 20 August 1997.
The composition of the Bank’s Supervisory Board was as follows:
AS OF THE DATE OF THE 2022 REPORT | 31.12.2022 |
Leszek Skiba President of the Management Board of the Bank |
Leszek Skiba President of the Management Board of the Bank |
Jarosław Fuchs Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank |
Jarosław Fuchs Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank |
Marcin Gadomski Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank |
Marcin Gadomski Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank |
Jerzy Kwieciński Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank |
Jerzy Kwieciński Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank |
Paweł Strączyński Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank |
Paweł Strączyński Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank |
Błażej Szczecki Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank |
Błażej Szczecki Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank |
Wojciech Werochowski Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank |
Wojciech Werochowski Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank |
Piotr Zborowski Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank |
Piotr Zborowski Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank |
Magdalena Zmitrowicz Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank |
Magdalena Zmitrowicz Vice President of the Management Board of the Bank |
The Bank applies the Policy of Selecting Candidates for the Function of a Member of the Management Board and Key Functions and Assessing the Suitability of Proposed and Appointed Members of the Management Board, the Supervisory Board, and Persons Performing Key Functions at Bank Polska Kasa Opieki Spółka Akcyjna approved by the Supervisory Board of the Bank on December 30, 2020, the aim of which is to ensure the optimal and uniform process of selecting candidates for the function of a member of the Management Board and Key Functions at the Bank, so as to ensure the performance of tasks related to the implementation of the Bank’s business plans and strategy by persons with the necessary knowledge, experience and skills, as well as with good reputation.
The Selection and Suitability Assessment Policy also specifies the criteria for assessing the individual and collective suitability of candidates and members of the Management Board, the Supervisory Board, and key function Holders at the stage of appointment and in the course of performance of the function, as well as events resulting in the need to assess the suitability, the course of the suitability assessment process, including roles and tasks in the process and the effects of the assessment, including corrective measures applicable to ensure compliance with the suitability requirements.
In 2022, a re-assessment of the individual and collective suitability of the members of the Supervisory Board of the Bank and a re-assessment of the individual and collective suitability of the members of the Management Board of the Bank were carried out, as well as suitability assessments resulting from changes in the additional functions performed by members of the Bank’s governing bodies.
Subsidiaries have implemented Suitability Assessment Policies in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.