Number of cases reported and handled under the Mobbing Prevention Policy | 4 | 4 |
The Bank does not in any way tolerate any mobbing activities or behaviors towards employees (including manifestations of sexual harassment), and appropriate consequences are promptly drawn against their perpetratorsThe Bank has a Mobbing prevention policy of Bank Polska Kasa Opieki Spółka Akcyjna (hereinafter: “Mobbing Prevention Policy”) in place. The regulation defines principles for the prevention of conduct and behavior considered as mobbing. In addition, the purpose of the Mobbing Prevention Policy is to support the implementation of the provisions of labor law to the extent of the obligation to prevent mobbing. Some of the Bank’s subsidiaries have developed internal procedures to regulate anti-mobbing issues, these include: Pekao Bank Hipoteczny S.A., Pekao Investment Banking S.A., Pekao TFI. S.A. and Pekao Financial Services Sp. z o.o.
Number of cases reported and handled under the Mobbing Prevention Policy | 0 | 1 |
In 2022, there were no cases of discrimination at Bank Pekao and the Pekao Group companies.
Charter of Principles Advocate
The effect of caring for the formation of high quality principles of social coexistence in the workplace, as referred to in Article 94 item 10 of the Labor Code, is the function of the Charter of Principles Advocate, who acts on the basis of the Principles and the procedure of the Charter of Principles Advocates in considering reports by Bank employees of violations of the values of the Charter of Principles adopted by the Bank’s Management Board. The Charter of Principles recognizes integrity in social relations as a guarantee of sustainable development, the sustainable transformation of profit into value for all stakeholders (colleagues, customers and suppliers, investors, local communities). It identifies the values that underlie the relationship with each such group and indicates the behavioral patterns that should be followed in these relationships. Among the values identified as the foundation of fairness, the Charter includes: equal treatment, respect, freedom, transparency, reciprocity and trust. These values, which are widely shared and adhered to by employees, shape the organizational culture and enhance the Bank’s image.

Employees may report to the Advocate if they observe or personally experience behavior that is inconsistent with the rules of social conduct. The employee may forward a Report to the Advocate electronically to the email address, by letter, by telephone. The Advocate is a trusted representative of the employees and is bound by confidentiality and discretion rules. The Advocate’s duty is to help employees solve problems connected with the violation of values. Having received a notice, the Advocate takes appropriate actions to reconciliate conflicted parties and repair their relations, determine further conduct and its implications for the future.
The Advocate presents information on his interventions taken in the previous year, including recommendations of actions for the following year, once a year to the Bank’s Management Board.