Counteracting crime and countering money laundering and terrorist financing

In accordance with the requirements of the Act of 1 March 2018 on counteracting money laundering and financing terrorism, the Bank engages in activities aimed at counteracting financial crime and terrorism. The key regulation in this regard is the Procedure for counteracting money laundering and financing of terrorism in Bank Polska Kasa Opieki Spółka Akcyjna.
Bank Pekao has an Ordinance – Fraud Management Process introducing the Company Instruction – Fraud Management Process at Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A. The Business Instruction specifies:
- what is fraud and what categories of fraud may affect the Bank in the course of its business;
- who (which organizational unit of the Bank and which employee of this unit) is obliged to implement actions in the event of a fraud incident;
- how exactly fraud should be countered (catalog of activities to be carried out).
In addition, the duties and responsibilities of the Financial Security Office in Bank Pekao’s Security Department, which performs tasks related to the central coordination of financial crime prevention in the Bank, are defined.
The Fraud Management Process and the implemented Business Instruction impose duties and powers on each Bank employee related to countering financial crime to the detriment of the organization itself and the Bank’s customers.