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Więcej szczegółów w zakładce Polityka Prywatności

Report 2022


Employer branding activities

In 2022, the Bank continued its branding efforts implemented as part of its employer brand strategy, promoting the opportunity for career development in a place where real change can be made. Key initiatives in 2022 include:

  • Participation in image and recruitment events, building the Bank’s image as an employer among potential candidates. During events such as the IT Job Fair, Jobicon, Warsaw IT Days, Absolvent Talent Days, Data Science Summit, Click (2022) online, and meetings at key universities, among others, visitors had the opportunity to talk to Bank representatives about new job opportunities and what the day-to-day work of each position looks like.
  • A campaign to showcase the cultural change and the Bank’s new vision.
  • A change in recruitment communications, including new visuals for announcements that emphasize Bank Pekao’s opportunity to fulfill its potential so that everyone feels like a leader of change in their area. The job offers are aimed at people with different levels of seniority – from expert level to specialist to someone at the threshold of their career.

A very important group of recipients of employer branding activities are employees employed by the Bank, regardless of their position or functional area. These people not only directly benefit from the Bank’s offerings as an employer, but also contribute to the organization itself and its culture, as well as build the employer’s image in their environment.

Cooperation with universities

A focus on cooperation, exchange of information and experience between the organization and the academic world is an important area of the Bank’s activities. This is served by cooperation with the country’s leading universities, including through presence at events such as the Career Days of the Faculty of Management at the University of Warsaw and the Warsaw School of Economics (hereinafter: “SGH”) in Warsaw, Week with SGH Career Advisors, the Job Fair of the Polish-Japanese Academy of Computer Technology, the IT Job Fair at the Military University of Technology, the Engineering Job Fair and Absolvent Talent Days. Students and graduates had the opportunity to learn about internships and apprenticeships, consult their resumes and learn more about the recruitment process and the requirements for the employees being sought. For those interested in developing in a specific area, individual consultations were organized with experts from the Bank, who provided support in identifying possible development paths.

In addition, Bank Pekao was a partner for the fourth time of the SGH Master’s Degree Dean’s Award, which recognizes the most talented SGH graduates – authors of the best theses. A number of experts with extensive knowledge and experience in specific areas of the Bank were involved in evaluating the work.

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