Pekao TFI offers the Pekao Green sub-fund, aimed at supporting sustainable investments. Companies from environmentally friendly and pro-environmental sectors (renewable energy, electromobility, energy efficiency, recycling and waste management) were selected for its portfolio. In analyzing their selection, in addition to financial factors, ESG issues, i.e. environmental, social and corporate governance aspects, were equally important.
Climate and environment
Green and sustainable products

In 2022, Bank Pekao’s Express Loan was available to Bank Pekao’s customers for the purchase or installation of: renewable energy sources (solar panels, photovoltaic panels/cells); central heating boilers (excluding coal and eco-pea boilers), heat pumps and the use of geothermal heating. eco-pea), heat pumps and geothermal heating; roofs, windows, doors and home insulation materials; electric or hybrid cars, electric motorcycles and scooters, electric bicycles; domestic bio-treatment plants; ventilation with heat recovery, domestic water treatment plants from own intakes; rainwater recovery system.
Supportive for the environmentally friendly solutions was the ECO Housing Loan. Under its framework, credit was available for a property from the primary or secondary market, which must be equipped with solar panels, panels or photovoltaic cells or heat pumps.
Under the National Fund of Environmental Protection and Water Management’s (NFOŚiGW) “My Electric” program, which supports the leasing of new zero-emission vehicles, Pekao Leasing is offering the purchase of an electric car with lease financing with a subsidized initial payment. Subsidies for leasing zero-emission cars (including electric cars) are provided by Bank Ochrony Środowiska S.A. with funds entrusted by the National Fund of Environmental Protection and Water Management, thanks to an agreement concluded on September 8, 2021.
In 2022, Bank Pekao was involved in a number of projects aimed at improving the energy efficiency of business customers, implementing green projects, financing renewable energy sources (such as wind farms, photovoltaic installations or low-emission urban transportation) and social projects.
Major projects financed by the Bank in this area in 2022 include:
- consortium financing for the construction of photovoltaic farms in the amount of PLN 779 million,
- financing of the construction of the largest photovoltaic farm in Poland with a target capacity of 285.6 MW, financing amount of PLN 763 million,
- financing of transactions for the acquisition and revitalization of warehouse parks in the amount of PLN 450 million,
- consortium financing for the construction of more than a hundred photovoltaic farms in the amount of PLN 428 million,
- financing of the Bank Pekao Group company, in cooperation with the European Investment Bank (hereinafter: EIB) in the amount of EUR 132 million and the Council of Europe Development Bank in the amount of EUR 200 million. In both transactions, Bank Pekao acts as arranger and guarantor of the financing,
- financing of the acquisition of a foreign company in the renewable economy sector, financing amount of EUR 131 million. The Bank acted as a bridge lender (MLA),
- financing of the leader of the Polish energy industry, as one of the original lenders. The amount of the loan was PLN 4 billion,
- financing, as part of a syndicated investment loan, for a leading manufacturer and distributor of photovoltaic solutions in the amount of PLN 330 million,
- The Bank was the arranger and agent for a PLN 65 million bond issue for Gdańsk Buses and Trams,
- The Bank was the arranger and agent for a PLN 34 million bond issue for the Łódź Agglomeration Railway,
- The Bank was the arranger and agent for a PLN 65 million bond issue for the Kraków Development Agency,
- The Bank was the agent for a PLN 103 million bond issuance program for Stadion w Zabrzu Sp. z o.o., for the expansion of sports infrastructure.
The Bank also signed 19 new issuance agreements, of which the most noteworthy are:
- an agreement to issue sustainability linked bonds with a multimedia company for up to PLN 4 billion;
- an agreement on a green bond issuance program with a company belonging to an international development group for EUR 150 million.