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Więcej szczegółów w zakładce Polityka Prywatności

Report 2022

Bank in 2022

Summary of Performance

GRI[ ]

In 2022, we generated the net profit of the Bank Pekao S.A. Group, attributable to the Bank’s shareholders in the amount of PLN 1,717.6 million.

  • recognition of the cost related to the modification of PLN mortgage loan agreements granted to consumers due to the suspension of their loan repayments at the amount of PLN 1,958 million,
  • creation of the provisions for legal risk regarding foreign currency mortgage loans in CHF, in the amount of PLN 1,598 million,
  • recognition of fee paid for the Protection Scheme the members of which are banks operating in the form of a joint-stock company at the amount of PLN 482 million,
  • incurring the costs of additional contributions to the Borrowers Support Fund amounted to PLN 169 million,
  • creation of the provisions for reimbursement customers of increased margins on mortgage loans before establishing a mortgage in the amount of PLN 112 million.

The ROE ratio was at the level of 7.6%.

We increased the scale of our commercial activities, actively supporting clients’ financial liquidity and focusing on further digitizing and automating processes, and implementing advanced digital solutions.

We have prepared a wide deposit offer for individual clients including interest rate of 8% per annum on savings accounts, a deposit with with an investment product for 8% per annum for a period of 12 months, deposits with „Żubr” in PeoPay with an interest rate of up to 7% per annum.

We supported the citizens of Ukraine in every possible way. We have prepared a special offer for individual and corporate clients. Bank Pekao S.A., Bank’s Foundation and the employees were involved in humanitarian aid and in supporting Ukraine and its citizens.

We focused our activities in the following key strategic areas (in accordance with the adopted Strategy for 2021-2024).

Business activities supporting Ukrainian citizens

We supported the citizens of Ukraine in every possible way. We have prepared a special offer for individual and corporate clients. We have abolished fees for transfers from Poland to banks in Ukraine and from Ukraine to Poland – for transactions made by both individual and corporate clients.

Maintaing the Przekorzystne account for Ukrainian citizens is free, we have also abolished the fee for servicing the card to the account and for cash withdrawals made with it at ATMs in Poland and abroad. We also do not charge a margin or fees for currency exchange on transactions with the card abroad. We have simplified the procedure for opening an account for individual clients – all one needs is one document identifying a citizen of Ukraine, e.g. a passport.

We have prepared a wide offer for PLN 0 for Ukrainian entrepreneurs. We do not charge fees for company accounts, debit cards and we provide full and free cash service and electronic banking services. We have also introduced facilitations in the process of establishing business relations for companies from Ukraine.

For a long time, we have offered to individual clients the PeoPay mobile application and Pekao24 internet banking available in Ukrainian, as well as service in Ukrainian by consultants of the Bank’s infoline.

Humanitarian aid activities for Ukrainian citizens

In connection with the Russian aggression against Ukraine, the Bank, Bank’s Fundation and the employees were involved in humanitarian aid and supporting Ukraine and its citizens.

Foundation of Bank Pekao S.A. made donation: PLN 500 thousand to a special account of the Polish Red Cross, intended for the most urgent needs of refugees and PLN 250 thousand to Caritas Polska account for the current needs of refugees under the care of this organization.

PLN 500
Total amount of donations

The Bank's employees financially supported the collections intended to help children and foster families from Ukraine staying under the care of the SOS Children's Villages Association in Poland and for children and mothers under the care of the Children's Hospital at Niekłańska street in Warsaw.
The bank also took direct care of group of refugees who lived in one of the premises provided by Bank Pekao S.A.. Ongoing support and assistance in adapting to new conditions are provided to refugees by our volunteers - employees of the Bank.

Financial results

  • 201-1

Direct economic value generated and distributed

*Retained economic value is not reportable in accordance with GRI Standards, because the Bank recognizes required items differently, such as payments to the state, social investments, and has other items generating costs that are not included in the GRI standard, such as risk costs.

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