Bank Polska Kasa Opieki S.A., established in 1929, is one of the largest financial institutions in the Central and Eastern European region and the second largest universal bank in Poland with over PLN 200 billion in assets. The Bank conducts operations both in Polish zlotys and foreign currencies and actively participates in trading on domestic and foreign financial markets. It offers a full range of banking services to retail and institutional customers. As a corporate bank, Bank Pekao services every second corporation in Poland. The Bank is well established as a market leader in private banking, asset management and brokerage activities. The diversified business profile of Bank Pekao is supported by a strong capital and liquidity position, while maintaining the highest risk management standards. The Bank offers products and services that are highly competitive on the Polish market. It also guarantees a high level of customer service and owns a well-developed distribution. The Bank’s broad product portfolio, innovative solutions and individual customer approach ensure comprehensive financial services, while its integrated service model provides top-quality services to customers and ensures optimal adaptation to changing needs. The Bank is steadily strengthening its market position in strategic business areas. A detailed list of activities performed in domestic and foreign trade is included in section 6 of the Bank’s Articles of Association
PLN 200
corporations in Poland serviced by Bank Peako
Bank Pekao is active in trade associations and organizations. The Bank’s involvement in this area can be broken down into four main fields:
- Polish Bank Association along with Committees and Councils, including: the Banking Cybersecurity Centre Committee, Real Estate Funding Committee, Payment Card Processor Committee, Bank Card Issuer Council, Electronic Banking Council,
- International associations and organizations, including: International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA), International Project Finance Association (IPFA), United Nations Global Compact,
- Nationwide associations and organizations, including: Stowarzyszenie Emitentów Giełdowych [Exchange Issuer Association], Izba Domów Maklerskich [Brokerage House Chamber], Polskie Stowarzyszenie Zarządzania Kadrami [Polish Staff Management Association], Stowarzyszenie Dealerów Bankowych ACI Polska [ACI Poland Bank Dealer Association], Polskie Stowarzyszenie Inwestorów Kapitałowych [Polish Capital Investor Association],
- Local associations and organizations: Lublin Business Club, Podkarpacie Business Club.
Activity of the Bank in trade associations And organizations in the relevant year (number of memberships) | 2020 | 2021 | 2022 |
Polish Bank Association as well as Committees and Councils associated therewith | 14 | 14 | 14 |
International associations and organizations | 14 | 14 | 14 |
Nationwide associations and organizations | 6 | 6 | 6 |
Local associations and organizations | 2 | 2 | 2 |